There is nothing wrong with this approach. However, it is already known. When it comes to furthering the impact upon society, we need to try different concepts.
Nothing new under the sun, especially in this area.
This will not be the case if we still follow the same concepts surrounding governance. In fact, a case could be made that DAO development is hindered by the lack of progress on the governance end.
When I came to Hive a few months ago and began studying the DHF and how it is governed, my initial reaction was, "This is pure centralized decision-making wrapped in a 'decentralized' nightgown." From my perspective, it has few if any of the benefits of centralization and, similarly, almost none of the benefits of decentralization (especially none of the local knowledge benefits).
I will be posting a 'reform package', hopefully within the next few weeks, detailing my vision of a truly decentralized DHF.