So, apparently @coingecko is running this cool campaign for a few weeks now, where they give free candy! Not literal free candy of course, but some short of on-site token which you can exchange for various freebies.
Yeah, I guess this is a marketing ploy so that they increase their user base and retention and build a mailing list to spam shit. But free is free and some of the gifts you can claim seem pretty cool:
All you need to do to participate is to visit and register an account. You will need to insert an email too, just use a dummy one if you don't want them to have your "real" one. Then just click once everyday the candy icon on the top right corner to claim your free candy. Personally, I am using coingecko everyday anyways so I don't mind the process.
As you can see in the first screenshot I have already collected 30 candies and I will probably save them all up until I have enough to either get the free shirt or the limited "CoinGecko AxieInfinity Epic NFT". I will probably go for the latter as I have plenty of shitty t-shirt anyways... And who knows, maybe an idiot in the future pays top-notch money for that stupid digital pet, lol!
So yeah, get your free candy. All the cool kids do it!
P.S.: Thanks to @katerinaramm for bringing this cool campaign to my attention!
Posted Using LeoFinance
Posted Using LeoFinance
Saving for the T-Shirt :)
PS: I have now my 1000 together for the Shirt, but I found no way to redeem them in their shop :( Sucks!
I never say no to candy, especially to the digital & free kind :P
Everyone gets Candies!