Everything is going down, oil looks like a literal shitcoin, yet bitcoin is stable and hive had a 4x pump in a matter of hours! Crazy times we live in, right?
Anyways, this is not the point of this post.
It's been a few days now since I have been following how HIVE is doing on Alexa. In case you don't know, Alexa is one of the best online tools to check how popular a website is. It has its problems and it's not 100 % accurate and can even be manipulated to an extent.
Generally though it will give you a good idea of how a website is doing. Not perfect, but good. The lower the ranking a website has, the better. For example google has a ranking of 1 #
Source: https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/google.com
As for Hive, it has been on the rise since day 1, jumping a couple of thousands positions everyday. Yesterday, it passed the 100.000 mark and today it's sitting comfy at around #94.000:
Source: https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/hive.blog
For comparison, here's Steemit, which has been in a continuous downfall for more than two years now:
Source: https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/steemit.com
And if you take a better look in the screenshots above, you will notice that Hive has already a much better ranking in the US market, which at least from a financial perspective is probably the most important one! Also, HIVE ranks much better in other rankings, like time spent on site:
Imo, it won't be long before Hive surpasses Steemit. The reasons are many. Essentially steem has no devs at the moment. Most dapps have already migrated or are about to migrate. Even steemhunt, which is a steem-exclusive app has been dumping like crazy and it won't be long before it's pool of leechers will stop using it because it just won't be worth it. Many steemians are simply shitposting memes (like me) or copy pasting old posts to milk whatever is left of the dieing cow while keeping their "good" content for HIVE. Cool initiatives like posh which bring plenty of new traffic are now HIVE exclusive too. Not to mention that everybody is on a full power down, lol.
And most importantly, all the positive energy is here. Same for the potential for growth, from "simple stuff", like new exchanges (like the recent addition to HUOBI) to blockchain apps and games to whatever.
If we hit 40 cents by being just a top 100.000 site during a totally uncertain corona infested market, someone can only imagine what Hive could reach in a bullish market!
Honestly, it turns out that Justin was a true blessing. I literally love the guy. I would even fuck him and I am not gay.
We have been released by the burdens of the premine and the incompetence of Ned & friends. And in return we got something better and also some free steem shitcoins to sell and buy whatever. Yeah, ned's hair will be missed but I think I can live with that!
What more could you ask?
- Spaceship photo is released under public domain
Posted Using LeoFinance
Steemit is going to die really soon from the looks of it. Long live Hive!
Peakd.com is also doing well.
At 124,000 and climbing.
Like Hive, the time on the site is a lot larger than Steemit.
Posted Using LeoFinance
good to see other interfaces doing well :D
Posted Using LeoFinance
Ah that’s right, at steemits high point it didn’t have competition with its own saps for Alexa placement. Wow
So they’re not mirrored?
clearly not XD
Posted Using LeoFinance
Awesome analysis, lets hope the trend in Hive vs. Steem continues.
Posted Using LeoFinance
i wouldnt say awesome, it's basic stuff haha
Posted Using LeoFinance
Today touched 0.56$ (right now the HIVE price is 0.46$) and the market cap skyrocketed, still some love boundaries is on our way (Binance-CMC-and our saviour Justin).
Posted Using LeoFinance
hopefully it will stay there XD
Posted Using LeoFinance
Rank 35 (Coingecko) 0.63$ Market cap $222,027,038
I came across a post last night by Patrica of Cheetah and Spaminator on Steemit. It wasn't very noticeable with no feature image.
But if you like stats, she shares some good ones about Steem on the exchanges.
And the humor.......Steem woulda been smart to suspend all power downs, but then again that takes developers. 🤣
Just read it! Everyone is powering down LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance
Well said sir... nice and informative. Definitely worth a resteem to my hundred thousand followers :)
On a serious note I am simply blown of Hive's recent price performance. It's bull market behavior and we haven't even started cuz Bitcoin hasn't been halved yet.
Hopefully, there wont be an equally big fall and instead continues hovering around that price!!
Posted Using LeoFinance
That's my hope as well.
Hi @trumpman, your post has been manually chosen by Hive Supporter and upvoted with 94%.
Keep up the good work and you'll have a lot of success here on Hive for sure. To find out more about the Hive Supporter project check out this post.
Thanks !
Posted Using LeoFinance
And most importantly, all the positive energy is here.
I'm doing the same on steem as yourself (if you haven't noticed..lol).
Milking it harder than a fresian cow with 34 teats and 3000 gallons of milks in it's udders.
I ain't sure whether its just cognitive bias, but I agree - the 'ecosystem' over at steem seems totally and utterly devoid of any real energy...

I have some 'interesting posts' coming up, concerning the old place (as only @lucylin can deliver...lol)
Awesome! Ill keep an eye on you. I love your shit but I havent been doing much reading lately, things have been quite busy on my side!
Posted Using LeoFinance
I'll keep an eye on you.
Shit, I better turn off my webcam...
The past few weeks/months have been hectic, but also have been beautiful in many ways. It's been beautiful to see how this game has played out -- when the community lost faith in Steem, the value left it in search for something else. Something better.
Like you, I'm happy in the end. I got to move to a new blockchain which feels exactly like the old one with one key differentiator: the people are in charge and there's no more guitar-strumming narcissist in the middle of it all. + I get to sell STEEM shitcoins and ad to my BTC bags which will one day come back into HIVE as my lower buy orders get filled.
I'll take it.
Posted Using LeoFinance
Yeah it couldn't be better! And if the world's economies survive corona and we don't return to the caves or something, this is a great time for me to accumulate all kinds of shit for a steal!
Posted Using LeoFinance
super fast price expansions scare me and I usually short anything that behaves like this. Where can I short HIVE? Does any exchange offer that option?
The difference between the have and have nots is the haves figured out how to make money on price increases and decreases.
I don't have an answer to your question :/ I am not much of a trader and I do all my swings and trades "manually", either when I already have a good profit or get a good tip from a good pro trader friend :D
Posted Using LeoFinance
Posted Using LeoFinance
I was trying to get data on hive to through the google trending api. But since it is not possible to know which search for hive are google related I couldn't get any useful info from it :(
I was just trying to look this up earlier. Do you need to pay for membership to get these stats?
No, these stats are totally free, although there is a membership option that will reveal more shit! Just head over https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/hive.blog (replace hive.blog with any other domain of your choosing!)
We are at #76.000 today and going up!