I always wondered how the Nigerian fellas earning decent profits here fare in their home country. Jokingly, I even said a couple times to @belemo that I should move there and live like a king for the rest of my life 😂
Living Wage Individual in Nigeria averaged 42500 NGN/Month from 2015 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 43200 NGN/Month in 2018 and a record low of 41800 NGN/Month in 2015. source
42500 ngn, that's about 100 USD. Way, way, way less then what I earn from hive, let alone my other crypto shenanigans on a monthly basis. Of course, stuff aren't that simple. Corruption, political instability, crime and other every day stuff make life still miserable even if you earn way above that number . Reading belemo's posts feels so surreal with all the shit he has to put up with.
Anyways, I have a feeling I will get a taste of Nigeria very soon from the comfort of my own house 😍 Euro and pound crumbling, energy costs getting crazier and crazier by the month, big businesses closing all across the continent etc. Rough times are coming for Europe that's for sure.
I just hope the US isn't hit that hard. If they do manage to weather the storm I'll be golden, even just with the HBD I have rolling from my shitposting, lmao 🤣
If not..Oh well, I have prepared as best as I can. I have upped the house security, got some guns and stocked enough food for 6 months.
Worst case scenario, I guess I'll hit my contacts in Asia and relocate there. I think they will be fine 👀
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You'll be "living like a king" in Nigeria until you go to a hospital and find out their electricity supply has been cut off for 8 weeks and like 50 people died because of it.
Anyway, I'm working on relocating to Europe, so if things get shitty enough, I might just depend on my HBD earnings while there 😄
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Living the dream in Nigeria 🤣
Don't choose Greece! Totally friendly! There is a hospital in Greece, who entered the intensive care unit, came out with a coffin dance! Really, 100% mortality in 30 cases is not very good
sounds like the "Nigerian dream"
DO NOT COME TO EUROPE! War, energy crisis, inflation, broken social systems etc. Things slowly start turning nasty here. You better move to somewhere rural in Nigeria where you don't need heating and can grow you own vegetables.
The Nigerian Naira has even devalued more than that. $100 is something 70,000 now and people earning 42500 a month are just living on nothing because the inflation is crazy and that is what happens when the President of a country is clueless. I currently live in Nigeria and sometimes I find myself blowing beyond 100,000 a week on food and other basic things.
Ahhh shit. If you don't mind, do you have a regular job? How much does it pay? Just curious
I am a dev and designer and I have my tech start-up. Sometimes I look at family men with children earning that 42500 and wonder, how on earth are these people surviving? It is crazy in this country.
It is in Nigeria that the life of the citizens doesn't concern the government
We have thousands of graduates out there without a job and the politicians are there flying around with jets and having a luxury life
It is in Nigeria that a price of a commodity depends on dollar💲, including the blacksmith and a wood seller what a funny country
If not for hive and cryptocurrency
Most of us will have died of frustrating and hypertension and if you are eventually rushed to the hospital i bet it with you that will be the end of everything a government hospital with out electricity and there are thousands of sick people in there what a country
I hope for the best and pray that things get better soon
Thanks for understanding our situation @trumpman
Sounds like a place getting sick is not allowed 😅
That's just the truth friend
Last week i was there with my cousin
Lying sick and to donate blood for her because she needed blood i was told that the blood bank blood must be replaced before they can give her a pants of blood, just imagine no light we have to come with our lamps when its dark in a government hospital can you see how bad it is here
To be honest: The government is doing it right. In return, it should not concern you either, what the government is doing.
At the end of the day, politically, you can only vote once every couple of years. As a person, consumer and business alike, you vote multiple times every day: Food, roads, cloths, socializing. There's a hundred decisions every day, where you can pick the one thing or the other. It's entirely up to you what you make of that - and some make so much out of it that they don't need the government, but the government needs them.
The Nigerian economy is currently in shambles. Our currency is worst hit with $1 floating around 630-710 naira.
Most people in the country earn below $55 which is about 30,000naira while the cost of living monthly is above $100.
Poor economic decisions is the government is the major cause of this.
To keep painting it nice dollar is above 715 for bulk, the target is 1000 Naira per dollar before this clueless men leave
didn't imagine you were a gun type of guy :) shit will become difficult but hopefully not to that level
I got new water pistols!
if that were a russian it would 10 times funnier :P
because Russians are busy dogging the draft, young men are trying to flee the Motherland in the tens of thousands. so they won't get sent to fight in Ukraine with little training and high chances of meeting the Old guy in the sky. I think a Russian jumping out of military pants would be a nice metaphor of that :)
seems like street cred is easy to get in your parts :))
Lol I liked the guns part
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haha yeah, having everything at home is a feature a lot of people will miss. Special in a case of infrastructure collapse :P
Tell me about Ladyboys without telling me about Ladyboys.
A man of culture!
Ladyboys are still ladies!
You probably will be shocked when you get here and realise that 43,000 cannot get you past a week. That's roughly the amount I spend on gas weekly.
Well .. that sucks 👀😔
I bought spaghetti, lentils and beans at the dip and now I'm staking them! As the global situation progresses, we will soon have a bull market in cereals and legumes prices! I will sell them and i will eat some Cardano and a few Hive
Smart haha 😆
Ahhhh the good old difference in what people earn average monthyl versus what they actually need. 100 bucks doesn't sound like it is enough in nigeria as well.
Europ indeed also in for something. I work a normal job in the hospital and with just my salary now since the increasing electricity price there literally would not be enough left for food after rent, gas, and interwebs bills. Thank god we are with 2 and that there is crypto so we are just fine.
But we are a developed country but I really fear for a lot of people and small businesses this winter. How would a a single mom nurse with the same job as me be able to pay her stuff?
Something is coming up for sure
Yeah, everything points to a really tough winter...Maybe two 😆
Food for six months? I will have to rob you.
Here's a cucumber fren 🥒
Come to Nigeria you will enjoy your stay
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, Nigeria is cheap to live in, No wonder, We are all leaving for green postures :)
The comments in here has killed your dreams? Sad!
Well there is hope, you can live in government restricted areas and be safe. Problem is that you won't live as a king because crypto money isn't bigger that political funds!
The gun part got me, you just want to feel secure in every way, financial, food and otherwise
Been in Nigeria has taught me alot, I grow my own food and the earnings from hive has been helping alot with the bills.
Am just glad you understand a bit of the situation here and I hope it doesn't get worst over there too.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good luck with that.@samostically told me that it's the standard to get malaria multiple times every year.
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I spent a couple of weeks in Lagos. It's a tough place... I don't think westerners will handle it...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think nigeria is coming to western countries soon so we will have to adapt. 🤣
Definitely, first-world countries are eroding... and fast. Third-world countries that adopt Crypto have a chance of being rebuilt in the decades to come...
Ah... doomsday!
Oh you did? What year? Nice lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Quite some time back, around 2000 or so...
Oh okay hope you had a nice time
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Hey @trumpman, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.You might live like a king in Nigeria, but we hope Nigeria doesn't happen to where you live. It's contrasting, but, hit me up when you start loading food up in your trailer. Hahaha that's preparing for the apocalypse.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will, lmao
Trumpy; forget Nigeria, hit up Australia. The AUD is getting smashed at the moment. You'll love it here - floods, bushfires and then some more floods, then drought for a couple of years. Good times had by all!
You have platypuses too 😍
Ah Trumpy, didn't know you love a good monotreme ;)
I always saw you as a Wombat kind of guy. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
And roaming wild animals lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I did some preparations myself appart from the gun thing .... I'm thinking for a long time to get one... and just not being as serius doing it
Don't be a pussy, get five guns today
Just get a hunting licence and a double barreled shotgun or something. It's not that expensive 🐱 Who knows, maybe we are just overreacting, you can still shoot shit for fun ^_^
This is why despite I am a graduate,I am not looking for any job that doesn't pay as double or triple as I earn here😆😆😆. I prefer to work on myself and develop my small scale business atleast I will have time for other things. Funniest thing,I base in state where price of goods and services are at average compare to life in Lagos and Abuja. Meanwhile,not everyone earns that amount,I know some family men that only earn half of that per month. Thanks for sharing Buddy! Cheers!🥂
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
It's only in Nigeria that's travelling a short distance by road at the moment is more expensive than flight as everything is falling apart. Although the world is in a financial quagmire thanks too USA, Russia and Ukraine for maximizing the pain, especially too the European, this winter will be long and cold if the rate of power and communication keeps increasing
Nigeria is hell and majority are hoping to leave the country if the opportunity arises.
The statistics on the living wage were interesting. What can I say about it, it's sad, because there is a war in my country, and wages have become less. $109 living wage is certainly not enough. I'm also looking for myself on HIVE 🤣. I'm not counting on huge money here, but at least a little 🤣. And who knows him, maybe I will also be able to earn a little here. The crypto industry is very interesting, but I'm trying to understand at least something here. It was interesting to read how other people live, @trumpman
From what I’ve heard (basically all I do at Hive now is ask Nigerians questions about Nigeria) there’s a huge range in quality with luxury being nearly the same price as rich countries, but no matter what you gotta deal with blackouts, shitty roads etc. of course they can tell you much more than me.
Let me say it for the 300th time: The Nigerians users at hive are mostly a very solid bunch. Anyone who hasn’t connected with them is missing out. I really want to go check it out. Hivefest 2023 in Lagos, it's only right.