No man, the one used by Germans is basically a cross with hooks, known as Haken Kruez. It has nothing to do with Sanskrit Swastika. Although swastika is prevalent in many nations and not just Hinduism. Even in Hinduism the swastika is a borrowed sign from the oldest religion Buddhism.
You can find Swastika in many countries of Europe prior to Rheinland. It is just a coincidence or Hitler just wanted to create his own stylish hooked cross.
@finguru and @trumpman,
No man, the one used by Germans is basically a cross with hooks, known as Haken Kruez. It has nothing to do with Sanskrit Swastika. Although swastika is prevalent in many nations and not just Hinduism. Even in Hinduism the swastika is a borrowed sign from the oldest religion Buddhism.
You can find Swastika in many countries of Europe prior to Rheinland. It is just a coincidence or Hitler just wanted to create his own stylish hooked cross.
I hope it will help you clear the doubts. 😃
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Thanks for the golden info mate. I didn't think it was a coincidence because religion is no less than evil xD
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