I am sure many of us are here in hopes of finally "making it". Of course everyone has a different view of "making it".
Me, I am a frugal man. I don't like expensive or fancy stuff like clothes, cars, restaurants or whatever. And even going abroad or holidays I do it on a budget. Also, I am lucky enough to come from a family that inherited me some real estate. Nothing super crazy but I will always have a roof or two to put my head under. My wife is low maintenance too. Shes got a job and pay for her stuff. And she cooks well. What more to ask?
So for me, "making it" would be getting 100k euro or something without selling more than 30% of my total cryptofolio. That would be more than good enough to sustain me for a good 5 to 10 years without the need to work or touch any of my other balances...
What would I do in that scenario? Well, here's my plan. First, I will come up with a valid excuse to leave my cuck job without prior notice. I want to fuck them but without appearing like a dick.
Then I would buy a cool ebike. And a cool metal detector. And a big ass magnet. And I would spend my newly financial freedom playing with said toys, going for rides, metal detecting and magnet fishing. Yep, that's my dream. To most it probably sounds super stupid. But for me it's gonna be super fun. I would probably get my self a couple of goats and sheeps and chickens as I have a huge garden. I think farming would be fun too. If not, I'll just eat them.
Of course I would continue to be active blogging here and doing crypto stuff in general...
Anyways, that's what I think I would do if I finally made. Or maybe I end up taking creep shots all day long like @steemychicken1 . That would be fun too, plus I'd get to troll @anthonyadavisii !
What will you do when you finally make it? Chances are you a loser and you won't, but hey, we can always dream!
Posted Using LeoFinance
Finally I could visit an event, where I wanted to go for a long time, with the nice Capi, which I can already afford and which I got now. ;-)
Otherwise an own island or at least a ranch would be quite nice, although it wouldn't fulfill me to just hang around.
I don't want to be a Pharisee, who wants to distinguish himself with good deeds or intentions, but I think, the one or the other voluntary work in a field that interests him personally would be a pleasure for most of us, especially since so much capital might help, if you don't just squander it, but invest it in the "right organization" (my favorite would be Open Doors) and work with it.
Niceeeee. I like you.
I will try to sustain it and make it more and more.
And least I forget, prove to some people who have look down on me as a failure who will never make it. And I think I will treat you with a dinner🤗🤗
I like dinners!
I am like you, a simple man. I don’t need all that fancy expensive stuff. My wife, low maintenance. So I would just by myself a nice 30 foot camp trailer and a brand new diesel truck and send it off to have it pumped up and built just the way I like it. Plus I would probably take my 2001 Excursion Diesel and have it done up from top to bottom for Mama Splatts. Other than that, just sit back and enjoy the simple life out away from everything in the woods.
nice. sounds like we could become best friends!
That totally reminded me of Step Brothers

I will be able help others more.
I will have a vault of tuna.
Lol. That's so idiotic and random. Thanks.
Tuna is great and !Beer
If we're talking $100,000 I would spend some ten grand on hookers... and the rest on cars and traveling.
that would buy you some top notch hookers. Maybe ill join you in the fun, just dont tell it to my wife!
Great. I won't...
I thought you'd want like 3 lambos?
I think inheriting some real estate is great and that's something I envy. Many people actually want the world when they're rich but for someone like me, I just want to marry my dream women, have a nice house and maybe a car or two and maybe a vacation once a year. But then this is me, I'll have to chase.
Nah, fuck that. I wouldn't buy one even if I was multi billionaire. Although Id buy an old lada niva and pimp the fuck out of it.
Posted Using LeoFinance
Hahaha cheers to swapping the lambos for antique cars hahaha.
Bros...na "women" you talk o...😂😂😂😂badt guy
Lol no o na mistake o, I mean "woman"
is that even legit english?!
Start the biggest flag war on Hive...by "accident".
lmao. Very noble
Posted Using LeoFinance
Go big or go home, right?
We'll go out with a bang.
Sounds like a solid plan to me
That would be fun to watch.
Posted Using LeoFinance
hope you still hate me then
Posted Using LeoFinance
Making it for me will be getting like $10,000 and using it to bribe my way out of Nigeria and into Canada or some European country that doesn't tax me on my crypto earnings. Get a job, bring my girlfriend over, marry her, start a family and live quietly for the rest of my life.
Posted Using LeoFinance
Sounds like the average us/european cuck life.
I'd gladly take that life over the average Nigerian life
Well, I'll probably keep investing for the rest of my life, checking new tech, new stocks, new real estate, and keep compounding everything. But, let's assume that sooner or later this investing is done almost automatically and that I don't need to do much anymore, let's assume I have total freedom... I would probably play videogames all day long, workout and eat healthy, and spend at least one month out of the year traveling to a specific country and checking out the whole country (starting with Thailand, Phillipines, Cambodja and Vietnam! Always wanted to go there).
Posted Using LeoFinance
Travelling and videogames. Nice.
Pretty cool plans right there!
Ditto for farming, you could even grow some of the stuff that are not usually available in the grocery shops.
I'd probably make the movies I've always wanted to make. Nothing fancy mind you, more like indie titles. I just want to be able to pay the actors. All the heavy lifting like camera work, editing, some VFX—and of course writing and directing— I can do them myself.
Oh nice. We are talking about porn movies, right?
Ah ha ha ha! 🤣 Man, you're funny!
I would buy a small apartment/house and maybe a Tesla Model S. So around $200-300k.
Posted Using LeoFinance
I will command the alien troops to laser every fascist and communist!
I would day drink and go around making home improvements. I might pick up hiking and try to not get arrested for public intoxication.
Posted Using LeoFinance
nice! be carefuly of your liver though!
It was either that or move to Colorado to smoke doobies and make home improvements. I don't really want to move.
😂lmao....you could wear a dress and put on a wig👏
Wtf duuuude!😂😂😂😂😂
Anyway, a $100k money pot will put me in rest mode for maybe 20years. But I can't not be doing anything for 20years....iono mahn....i'd buy stuff for my girl and watch her smile, Unfortunately there's non...maybe a lot of charity too would come along. Then gears...games and stuff....a huge amount will be spent on gadgets,...drones and techy stuff....iono mhn!!!!till then
pfffff, geek
those are on my to-do list
the wifey been watching magnet fishing and metal detector vids on youtube
i think we'll travel a bit first - then get a giant warehouse and fill it with legos and servers for minecraft lol
Posted Using LeoFinance
damn, wanna switch wifes?
Making it in crypto, allows you to trade money for time.
It's all about time.
Posted Using LeoFinance
I'll go in LEO island, @khaleeelkazi already proposed it (along with mojitos)!
sounds nice, maybe ill join you!
Golf....daily :)
Posted Using LeoFinance
sounds super boring lol
The irony of this sentence is way to high, on so many different levels LMAO! F them without a D! That must be frustrating hehe!
Posted Using LeoFinance
I got one of those on my fridge, I'm too afraid to do anything else with it because the last time i stuck it on some iron bar i fucked up my hands trying to get it off again.
If I ever made it, I'd probably transfer some to my family, but accidentally transfer all of it to an opportunistic scam artist and start again from scratch.
That being said, my net worth right now is about $25,000 which is probably pathetic to most people, and won't last more than a few months when making the move back to the UK, but from a perspective of my family and our history, I've already made it with that amount.
Ha! I have more than you. Loser. They can last you a couple of years in Greece. More if you become my bitch and let you leave in my house.
Most people have more than me, but as you can tell by my public announcement of it, IDGAF because I'm also a better person than you in every possible way, including at being Greek, μαλάκα
Now i want you to hear you saying malaka. Can we have a video plox?
wtf is a plox
I, too, have simple needs and joys. In some ways I sort of do them now, garden, keeping animals, puttering about in the studio, if I were to 'make it 'as it were I think I'd just do those things to the next level , like have a gardener to help with my projects or even being able to pay others to do some of the stuff I have to diy to our house, that would be a dream right there.
It's interesting to see others views of 'fun' that's for sure @trumpman
Very nice! Looks like many of us crypto guys enjoy the simple stuff in life!