OMG, Grok is awesome Sadly I have to use it with VPN, but if I manage to follow the plan we built in that chat, it might just have solved my career path issues, for free!
OMG, Grok is awesome Sadly I have to use it with VPN, but if I manage to follow the plan we built in that chat, it might just have solved my career path issues, for free!
it is the main thing I use every day
It's truly great. I have used it for other stuff, it helps me a lot with SQL when I need to create new queries (since I don't really know SQL, I just use the database of HiveSQL to get specific data) but I never had a chat like this one... I have talked with humans and none have ever given me such a clear advice.
agreed it give amazing advice
Sounds cool!
You can also use feed LeoAI, but guess you know that already!
Vpn here too, sadly. But an excellent way of exploring things with Grok.
I hope so for your sake!