I don't know if you know, but I'm gonna tell you. I'll be a Hive Speaker soon! And will share the scenario with @fermionico!
I don't know if you know, but I'm gonna tell you. I'll be a Hive Speaker soon! And will share the scenario with @fermionico!
What language are you going to speak in?
It would be great to make a space about it in English though, maybe after for the results
I like spaces. I dont have to wear pants.
Yeah, I actually like them because I don't have to dress up or fix my hair xD Unlikely the event.. I'll have to do something with my face
Spanish, it's gonna be at a festival in my City
A spanish speaker does me no good. Geez. Help a North American out.
Sorry, I could so it in English but then 95% of the audience of the event won't understand anything xD
That's amazing! Congratulations Jess!
Thank you! I'm thinking about doing a space in English after the event
That's nice, Sunseeker! Share some links and I will try to join
Thanks! This is going to be a in-person event at a Festival, but I'm thinking about a Space in English after the event to share the experience and results
Ah I see. GOod luck anyways! And yes, the space after the event is a great idea!
I'm going to make it part of the plan, so the non spanish speaker also know what we are up to