
Next month there will be an event about NFT in Brazil, I will try to be a Speaker for a few moments to talk about Hive there.

People are hard to convince at the beginning but it helps the community we make. Are you going alone or will be there other Hivers with you?

I am an ambassador for the event, I will have a free pass for the 3 days of the event, and I will draw 2 tickets for the #hivebr community here at hive

Good Job! :) Spreading a word about #hive is awesome :)

I lost my voice at the end of the event. 3 days talking non stop hahaha but it was so rewarding and we did get the results we were looking for

Sounds awesome! Keep up the good work :)

That sounds pretty interesting, hopefully you can make a post about it soon!

Estupendo, te vi en un vídeo haciendo tu presentación y también leí referencias de que fue una ponencia estupenda. Felicitaciones!

Muchas gracias! Para mi ha sido una experiencia genial esto, sobre todo cuando personas de Hive se me acercaron diciendo que ahora sí entendían jajaja Y es que aún falta mucho trabajo para que hasta los que estamos dentro estemos claros