Good morning Lions!
Tip of the day:
Always write the source of your information, being it text or images.
But also make sure that it is a free for use resource. Writing where you got it from doesn't make ok to use images from a paid stock without paying, nor use other people's creations for your benefit.
We are Web3, we care about True Ownership... respect other people's intelectual property.
Well said!
Well said, thank you
Great tips. A common mistake we see around is that some people use copyrighted images.
Yeah, also, they use Canva pro and then take screenshots where the watermark is obviously visible, smh.
Hehe, yes. Not sure why some do that when it clearly shows the image is not free to use :-)
I pay for Canva Pro because I wanted access to the extra images, etc. to be able to use on my posts. I agre that creators should get credit and paid for their intellectual property.
very well said thanks for this valuable information