It's so funny to see people making spam thinking it will count at the end XD making threadstorms of random things with no added comments from you and also not proper engagement, is spam
It's so funny to see people making spam thinking it will count at the end XD making threadstorms of random things with no added comments from you and also not proper engagement, is spam
Ahhh! Any thread from you is giving me heart attack.
Calm the heart....Don't fret hahaha
Hahaha, my woman has finally spoken I love that ideology, we need real content and engagement, thanks for that,
Yeah, if we are all commenting we are all have the same opportunity to engage and make a lot of numbers. Or make an actually valuable threadstorm, but collecting videos in a threadstorm with no comments, that is so the old campaign. We are not battle testing InLeo anymore, we are Battle testing the community to see how much you learned about engagement
Yeah, exactly, to me personally, I don't really like posting those kind of just video links and musics or songs, etc. It even annoys me and I have never engaged on them before, let's go for real engagement now guys
The music on InLeo thing has a purpose, I respect that one, but the threadstorm thing is just silly, lost effort. Anyway, there is freedom to post, but that you do it doesn't mean it is valuable
Hahaha, which kind of threadstorm are they making, can you brief me on that a little? I would be glad to know, I don't even do threadstorm although, but will be careful then
A collection of videos and the filling up with just video links, that's it
Ahh, that should be annoying indeed, like how can you just call this an engagement hahaha
Real engagement is more fun.
Yeah, and that is the key to making on this thread quest,
Yeah, I agree with you. wants to see quest failed after spending time threading for hours.
yeah, that is really sad indeed, and disheartening too, we hope for the best
I find interacting with others more fun. Creating threads alone will make one feel bored and also make one feel.tired fast. I have been on my bed since morning rolling from side to side threading. 😄
Hahaha I still have to work so I jump from one think to the other while threading xD it's hard to participate that way but there is still time, I'll see if I can do the 1k myself by replying only (or mostly)
Is there really still time? Hahaha
The more I thread, the more my mind asks me If I can truly make it before the end. So, for we Nigerians, it ends at 11:59 p.m on Friday right?
I think so, but I made 1k in one day the last campaign when the UI worked way worse than now so I do believe if I get time for myself I can do it
Wow! In 24hours? How did you do it?
Nothing is impossible with determination my dear 👍
Try to love it you'll see how much you'll enjoy it
It's like talking to your ceiling though a lil different cos you'll get a reply
Unlike every ceiling lol
Yeah, it is more fun to interact with others. Creating only thread storms is kinda boring.
Thats some terrible spam. But its easier to engage, interact and publish quality threads. These are not too much to ask from us.
Yeah, you make some good ones, they reply to others, then reply when people reply to you, that's it, you don't need to cheat. I got to 50 and didn't even noticed until I went to my profile and said huh, done, next goal xD
Thats simple. Just hold a great conversation. We have been enjoying that since morning with few friends. Engagement is quite different from one-line random comments. If there is no proper conversation, then there was no engagement.
Could you explain this, please.
“…making threadstorms of random things with no added comments…”
Making threadstorms to talk with yourself, or doing collections of videos, stuff like that to bulk your count without actual engagement. Same if you have only main threads and no comments or too little comments compared to the main threads
I understand! Thank you.
Hahaha.....When you say 'No added comments' what does it mean?
like I share an external link here and say nothing, just dump the link.
Oh! that's silly.
Adding a comment would have made other users see a reason to engage.
Or make it no spam at least hahahaha We are not testing inleo this time, we are tasting true engagement, we know inleo can take this activity now
Hahaha...All I can say is that they better be careful, so they won't suffer being disappointed if their quest is failed in the end. Good thing we don't have space meeting, so we can focus on threading away. Hehe
Oh we have cryptoholics tonigh but well, threascast hahahaha its gonna be buzzing
SPACE!!! 😳
I had thought that there will be no space since we have a lot of quests 😩
Well, on the bright side, we will thread and thread until we forget our names 😅😅