
Definitely true about art & humor and communication! And yup, memes take all that into one :-)
However, I must admit, it started with the Yolo coin, after the DRIP decision, not that sure anymore about Yolo either actually...

You said it exactly about meme magic!

Yeah, I definitely feel you on that. This decision with DRIP left a very bad taste in my mouth for sure. 😁🙏💚✨🤙


Yup, I totally understand the bad taste... Especially combined with the unstake time & the lowering in value...
Well, on to the next I'd say...! Let that be MMB ;-)


Yep, I'm trying to reconfigure as quickly as I'm able to rebuild my daily SWAP.HIVE income. Right now I'm selling the DRIP that get each day, to take the place of payouts, until I have another solid steam.

That sounds great to me! Oh, and by the way, I found the MMB timeline that I was putting together. 😁🙏💚✨🤙


Still need to act on the DRIP news to be honest, still auto-staking on it, should stop that though, and indeed start selling that daily part. Not sure yet what to do with the already staked DRIP. I might just keep it there, and see if their ideas play out well. Won’t be adding to it though, that’s for sure. Of course, with your DRIP number, it’s a totally different game, much more at stake…

Really glad to hear you’ve found the MMB timeline! And looking forward to seeing it ;-)


Yeah, for the amount of DRIP that you have, I don't think that it would hurt at all to just keep it staked. They said in about 6 months they're expecting things to be different. Yeah, with how much I've invested, and how quickly the price is falling, I'm hoping to recoup as much as I'm able before it totally evaporates.

It's not done of course, as it was still a rough draft, but I could send it to you to take a peek. We may also need to reconfigure how we do things slightly, especially with the bots. 😁🙏💚✨🤙


I just unstaked about half of it, in an attempt to indeed reinvest it in something that brings back some swap.hive, because that is now growing sadly slow!
Sure, feel free to send me the draft already, and your other ideas about the bots as well!


@tydynrain believes in Maximum Mutual Benefit, and wants to share that with you! so I just sent 1e-06 MMB@borniet! to your account on behalf of @tydynrain, who will also receive the same.

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