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RE: Leo Challenge: The real value of HBD

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Put it to work earning 20% and build a real savings account that has no gatekeeper telling you how it can be used. — this is really an awesome feature or characteristic of the a decentralized platform such as Hive . Putting one’s Hbd to work by just putting it into savings definitely rules out the authoritative tendencies of the traditional banking system which put so much restraints on the choices of how one wants to put his or her money to use or work .


It's the future of crypto and online activities.

Cutting out those middle men who want to have a say and a cut of your money with no justification.

With new technologies there is no need for these old institutions that have control over our actions. going forward we want real control over our own assets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah right ! We want to be our own Central Bank . Is that too much to ask for ?!