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RE: Polycub Farms for Dummies

in LeoFinance3 years ago

if you want to become a DeFi investor in a space where everything changes very fast, and if you actually want to make 1000x returns, you have to be a maniac, have tons of luck, and have lots of money to spare in case things go south. — this is why crypto critics will always see the technology as a farce , something based on nothing like the European Central Bank governor , Christine Lagarde claims . Lol ! Coming from someone proposing a digital coin, CBDC!

But we - that means you and I - are not trying to make 1000x returns, mainly because those only happen every lunar eclipse, but also because in order to get such returns we have to be willing to lose 999 times out of 1000.— what the critics don’t know or should I say what they are turning a blind eye to is that crypto involves in-depth and adequate calculated risks. Best bet to say if you are not in it , you will never know how it works .

A yield optimization platform such as Polycub will always help solve liquidity problem no doubt . I’m quite dumb on these Defi dynamics as well but with articles and posts such as yours it helps in shinning light on some not too clear aspects of the blockchain.