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RE: Can Cryptocurrency End The Need For Taxation?

in LeoFinance • 3 years ago (edited)


means ending the monstrosity of centralized Governments. I predict it will be an EPIC BATTLE.

now I will read the article 😹

PS: ok it seems you are taking an alternate view, and it would be to .GOV benefit to do as you suggest. In the end, you will probably be exactly 💯 right. My prediction is basically short term, I see the big fight from now until the people actually can take charge with decentralized solutions which just basically make .GOV face extinction.

We do indeed live in interesting times!!


Actually I believe that our form of governance, the nation-state, will be passe by 2100.

But there will be an epic battle taking place over the next 80 years or so.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago (edited) 

80 years is a long ass time!!

I'ma gonna go out on a limb here, and say it could all pass away before we're Dead, Task :o

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

cut your time frame in HALF

40 years b4 I'm dead? anyone's guess is as good as mine

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta