Great idea! Most people 'in society' have never heard of Hive, have never thought much about decentralisation and don't understand the value of a decentralised and uncensored social networking ecosystem. Anything that promotes local communities creating their own community on Hive is going to serve them since they will gain access to a wealth of features and philosophy that they will find hard to experience elsewhere.
A combination of outreach to real, physical community organisations and the creation of a standard onboarding and organisational approach/strategy to bring them onto Hive, in their own space, would stand a great chance of helping many people to feel empowered, access cutting edge technology, learn about crypto assets and to express themselves freely.
Focusing on the benefits of freedom of expression and free speech is key. Sometimes there are vested interests in communities who subtly design local media and governance such that true free speech isn't allowed - Hive can change that. Formats for this could come in many shapes and sizes - from simple Hive communities where people can deal with local issues, through to full-on Hive powered websites that specifically enable governance decisions to be voted on or reward people for solving local problems.
Promoting the idea to local businesses would bring in investment which they can hold as Hive Power, meaning that they get to direct the process to some extent - gaining advertising too - without necessarily eclipsing anyone.