It's not January and I'm not in Finland, but I gave up alcohol and street food for a few days. It's amazing how little money you need to buy healthy food. Today I cooked 1 kilogram of beef heart for 1.5 dollars and bought 3 kilograms of vegetables for 1 dollar. The whole family ate delicious and healthy food today for the price of 1 cup of coffee. Plus we had our own apples and berries from the freezer.
Beef heart? How do you cook it? I don't think I have ever eaten heart before.
Trim off the fat and cut the heart into pieces. Cook for 2 hours, adding salt at the end of cooking. This is a superfood, a vitamin bomb, the heart contains several times more B vitamins than beef, one and a half times more iron and many essential microelements.
I love it with sauerkraut. When I eat a lot of heart or beef or 0.7-1 kg of poultry, the next day I feel a surge of strength in my muscles (my weight is 115 kg). Without a large amount of meat (every 3-4) days, my body feels uncomfortable.