if you find time to look at it and send me some vibes :) I want it to be an alternative to the fee discussion we have. Because I believe fees kill the ability to be open for cool apps.
btw. if you have your first cool game out, hit me up. Nexus wars = sexy. Also a squadron TD version would be sexy :) And yes i would be help you to balance it if you like :)
I mean it could work but when it really comes down to it we need custom timelocks first... and we also need to test them in the field before making any decisions. The time limit to recover an account is 1 month, so anyone with a 1 week powerdown is cutting into that ticking clock pretty bad.
but is free up to the owner. Could be also 100% in 13 weeks if wanted.
Everyone can decide own risk level. IMO would open the door for dapps that want to test first.
Can be also some stake 1 week to 13 weeks if people want it.
IMO dynamic is important and with 1-week doors will open more and more.
Besides this, can be also an optional multi-sig added for 1 week if wanted. So security can increased if wanted :)
and thanks you look at it :)