And with more tax, the government is forced to be more inefficient.
The biggest net spender in fiat is always the gov.
And gov doesn't work as a business, they can forever make loss bets and go on with that.
In the end, the citizens pay the bill.
The most retarded thing IMO is to print fiat into force people in a direction with the money.
It's far far away from free markets.
A better way is, if the government ( or the citizens) want a change, simply add a price tag to something you don't want and give it 1 to 1 to something you want to support.
No middlemen.
Don't want to burn coal? add an additional price per mhw there and give the difference to in mhw to renewable ( for example saving technology, that works for decades).
But yeah governments don't think that way about long-term plays.