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RE: With HBD At 20% Interest Will Everyone Abandon Hive Power?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

i mean the current plan is increase the haircut to 30%, it adds more risk to HBD.

Best case IMO, delete HBD and add collateral coin.

The second best, create another stable coin for scaling and ignore HBD or pool it to the new coin.

So we would have a stable coin for payments that doesn't affect inflation.

Third option, chance the way of trading HBD ( like my market maker post i made longer time ago, market v2 or something like that).

So HBD would become more stable and DAO would work like a central bank in some way.

Sucks too in terms of inflation, but would be caped. So there is not unlimited drama possible.

I always think the way " what if hive hits 100$ or 20$ for some weeks.

So we can create enormous amounts of HBD out of nothing and if price falls, we create enormous amounts of hive out of nothing.

Remember last bullrun?

20%-25% inflation? I do. And there was no converting mechanic. All because of SBD and selfvotes.

And now the most important question.

Will we print the hive or fuck HBD holder?


Interesting me hair cut should stay at 10% at least for now. I had not heard that hair cut was moving to 30%.

I’ll think on what you have said above. There could be a separate stable coin on separate to HBD that is launched

is planned as far as I know for next HF to increase to 30%.

Interesting to me is that you don't know about :P

I would bet huge money luna will bust, but I don't know how to short ( the stablecoin) it without risking the collateral ( free loan).

I mean downside should be 0, because why it should be worth more? But HUGE potential and that shit is HBD on steroids in a big ponzi way.


I was aware of the 30% recently. I would not support a jump to 30% especially not while increasing the hbd inflation.

The whole thing here is to be able to get a typical understanding of how much HBD may be coming onto the market incase of either (future) bond maturities or HBD interest and if let’s say a 3 standard deviation moves happens in the price at the same time. If the community can easily cover this with things like a btc backing or the existing HBD or hive that backs HBD (again future work to be built in) then we have sound monetary policy in place. But it’s when this becomes blurrythat we have a problem

For now I support a 20% increase in APR only on the basis that the community gets this understanding in place and that a long term lock in bond system for HBD will be built.

At that point I intend to support a much much lower APR for a 3 day lock in
