$5M Liquidity Pair for HBD-USDC is a huge development on Hive. Thanks to the Leofinance thing for creating this great utility for JBD on the PolyCUB DeFi.
With this, we are gradually approaching the future and just get positioned to receive the masses. This is a time for communities to up their game to receive new users as will now become a sought-for blockchain via the HBD tokenomics.
Really a terrific value.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is a major requirement for the system. The idea of going after what Terra did is smart. However, the liquidity issues cannot be overlooked.
This will at least provide one pool where people can access HBD (pHBD). However, will they get 2.5 million out of the 9.5 million available?
We could see a lot of HBD leave the savings and head to Polycub.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will personally be buying up any and all HBD I can get my hands on and staking it straight into the pHBD-USDC pool. Liquidity is our #1 issue now that the interest rate on HBD is where it needs to be (20%). I'm excited for what this entire chain can accomplish if we can rally the troops behind this one
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It can set off a firestorm, that is for sure. We are now seeing where things can go. It is always a show it process with this group.
Build it and them starting talking about it more. We will just have to keep pulling in money.
This is an opportunity to really expand the Hive ecosystem if done right.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The value is a virtuous cycle. It goes all the way around the wheel.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta