Being inspiring by the discussions in the ongoing Cryptoholics, let's make this random thread of crypto Advice that will help anyone stay safe and profitable.
Feel free to share yours and interact with friends.
Being inspiring by the discussions in the ongoing Cryptoholics, let's make this random thread of crypto Advice that will help anyone stay safe and profitable.
Feel free to share yours and interact with friends.
I'm not sure I know a lot about crypto advice aside the regular of making researches.
Doing your own research is already a very crucial one, that applies.
Yeah, it's an important rule for any one in the crypto business.
Exactly, don't rush to invest because friends are investing don't rush any project without doing your own
It's always best to do one's own research in this crypto world.
One advice I'd give people is to tell them to gain enough knowledge before diving into the crypto world.
Prioritizing knowledge over profit in the crypto space is key. This is what has kept me and I'm happy about my depth.
It is sad that so many people aren't aware of this strategy.
Research research research! DYOR and don't blame anyone for your loss or owe anyone for your gains.
Many people like me had no knowledge and we dived in with full force, well we paid the price and that period I almost
You are absolutely right. Having knowledge about what you are venturing into is very important. Without prior knowledge, you will definitely end up regretting your decisions.
If something feels too good to be true or raises suspicions, trust your gut feeling and proceed with caution or avoid it altogether.
If it's too good to be true, it probably isn't real, fact!
Before you trust your guts so much, you should have invested so much in your knowledge base.
That's very true
one guy chatted me on discord, he said if I click on a link I get a reward of 2 BTC. Bro I laughed 😂, like just clicking on a link. If I had clinked that would have been my end
This totally is a big scam. I don't think anyone would fall a victim of this except the person greedy. How can you just click on a link and get a reward of 2BTC. It doesn't work like that
I am glad you ended this with saying with should proceed with caution. It would have been a different case if you said we should run from it because I not all things which feels too good to he true are actually scam. Some are genuine
Do not trust digital influencers.
Very true because most of them are serving their belly. It's just s strategy to cash out from other's ignorance.
Egoists who almost always only carry out strategies for their own benefit.
many of them don't care, all they care about is the pay that comes from the founders and they end up advertising a scam project
"Don't invest more than you can afford to lose." It's easy to get caught up in the potential for huge gains, but it's important to remember that any investment comes with risk.
Yes, every investment comes with a risk. We must be ready to accept the risk that come with the decision.
I would say you should invest with your spare money so that when you lose it, it won't hurt so much. Like you rightly said, every investment comes with a risk and a wise man once said that risks makes it worthwhile
Ask intelligent people with integrity questions about crypto before you invest.
Asking questions is a great way to learn. However, you have to think critically to take a decision based on answers received.
I'll read other responses to learn anyways, would be a good way to find out more advices to give.
Don't invest what you can't afford to lose.
Investing in Cryptocurrency is a gamble, you either make gains or suffer losses. Investing only want you can afford to lose can help cut losses
Yes. In fact, without losers, there would be no winners in the space.
Always earn your first crypto. It's less risky than buying.
My first Cryptocurrency was Tron, it was not earned. I further went ahead to buy more shitcoiks and these ones almost ruined me.
I feel your pain. Really a hard one to take at the start. Now you know better and can guide others.
The crypto markets are best manipulated by news. Don't be emotional about news trends.
Community Involvement
Engage with the crypto community to discuss and validate information, gaining insights from experienced individuals.
in the Crypto space one really cannot do life alone, join a community and grow
Community is everything not just on the crypto space. We grow better in communities.
Ask intelligent people with integrity questions about crypto before you invest.
We are all responsible for every decision we take. The very reason we should do our researches thoroughly.
for sure we need to do our own researches! and lets keep building
This totally sums it all. Do your own research
For sure it is all we want to know!
I bet if we all can decide to do our own research before venturing into any project, it will be better for us. Doing this will prevent us from being scammed.
Yes... its not so hard to do our research it is basic to basic! If anyone dont do that and are scammed probably they deserve it!
Hahahaha.. Putting it that way seems harsh but apparently that's the bitter truth. Anybody who get scammed deserves it
Always diversify Information Sources. Consult multiple reputable outlets to gain a well-rounded understanding and avoid relying on a single perspective.
Think Critically. Always approach information with skepticism and question the sources, motives, and evidence behind any conspiracy claims.
Stay Updated:
It's important to always keep abreast of industry news and developments to make informed decisions based on current, accurate information.
Always do your own research, don't rush to invest in a project because of a friend or because of a hype online. Always do your research and know the project you are investing in.
One reason many people fall scam is because of the fear of missing out (fomo). You hear them say what if it this one that brings the millions we are looking for and boom they rush to make purchase.
Like I always tell people, your wallet keys are very important. Keep them safe in a secured place and don't trust anybody with it. Had I know is a philosophy of a fool.
I will also advice people to be very careful of the project they are entering into so they won't be scammed. There are lots of scammers out there seeking for crypto novice to scam. Do your research and seek advice from trustworthy people
Yea, it is important to know that not everything called blockchain or web3 is safe.
You are right.. The sooner we get to know these things, the better it is for us. I hope we don't fall victims
Yes. Knowledge, put to right use is power. Nothing beats that.
That's a fantastic idea! Some pieces of advice that come to mind are: "DYOR" (do your own research), "don't invest more than you can afford to lose".
The best crypto advice I know is "always invest with money you are willing to lose" and also always no matter what have a trading plan