 2 years ago (edited) 

Financial Fraud is the reasons many companies continue to record losses. Many others have closed down for same reasons. But web3 is here for the rescue. #gosh

Many business men have fallen victim of this

this is an eyeopener. Especially to all potential businessmen and women.

Small and medium scale businesses can implement this in the business to check fraud

Yeah, one needs to be cautious of the tactics used by many to hunt business men and women

Web3 have got this covered

Yeah sometimes is because of the accountant.

yes. They are mostly the ones involved in fraud that occurs in Businesses

but with Web3, this situation will be arrested

Blockchain indeed has the potential to bring significant improvements to the auditing process in terms of data integrity, transparency, automation, and privacy.

Blockchain, Web3 will do lots of good to many businesses if addopted.

unfortunately many businesses are failing to do so, some see it as scam.


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We thank God and u?