You must have heard ; @leofinance, Our Mother Community is rebranding.
Have you started brainstorming of possible names to suggest? #gosh
You must have heard ; @leofinance, Our Mother Community is rebranding.
Have you started brainstorming of possible names to suggest? #gosh
The price pool of 500hbd for the selected name is too good to miss. I have already started brainstorming.
The price is very huge!
May the best win!
this is nice bro I haven't heard about it thanks for sharing it here I will start thinking of a better name the price is mouth watering
The price is almost half a million naira.
I will try. Let the best brain win
Trying to get a better name to miss the prize.
What are you saying?
Try to figure it out and understand it, am having migraine, can't break down.
My head is paining me too. I sure truely will
I proposed a name: PANTARIO - A TECH PLACE FOR ALL. Hope it will be picked.
That's sounds great.
Don't stop at that, thy said you can suggest more than once. Bring on more suggestions
Rebranding is a call for serious business, we are growing by the day. Sure we have new features soon
HahahA my brain want to burst oh
I'll just sit and wait for y'all to come up with something. The storm in my brain is too much already, I can't afford to brainstorm no more😫
Your just have to try.
No one knows the womb that will beget a king.
Thanks for informing me , the price is huge but I can't think straight for now. You guys should ransack your brain for the new name okay. #threads247
I have really been thinking of a fitting name for Leofinance, I have even pasted some names in the comment section, please think 🤔 more.
I have made a post suggesting a name, am currently writing another.
I have not thought of anything yet... Am sure to bring up something
Yes, try and participate.
No one knows who will be lucky