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RE: Valueplan the Numbers Part II. YTD Payout figures.

in LeoFinance6 months ago

"...blatant accusations..."

While I have used words that avoid outright accusations, such as 'indicates', 'appears', and 'evidence', I can certainly see from your perspective that such subtleties don't soften my remarks as I intend them. I do not mean to shy away from getting answers, but it seems you do not want to answer these questions, so you start flinging shit at me as if asking these questions was inappropriate.

You reiterate that the only value you see in Hive is financial when you say you are 'getting them votes with value', but not bothering to vote for them yourself. I pointed out that the most valuable metrics of societies aren't financial, with my Mike Tyson quote, but you're sticking to your personal metric of only money having value.

Valueplan's only purpose is onboarding investors and users. Hordes of bots aren't either, won't invest in Hive, and would be a terrible burden to coax posts from, so aren't going to pass as new users. I asked if @contestbox was your account. It's a simple question for someone to give an honest answer to, yes or no.

"Are you saying I am using bot accounts?"

No, I literally asked 'Is @contestbox your account?' You treat my questions as accusations, and you attack me to defend yourself from accusations I haven't made. There is a reason you are doing that.

"...I don't need you to tell me that everything I did was lacking in efforts."

Then why do you keep telling me? I never said you were lacking in efforts. I said yesterday 'I didn't ask about the other stuff you do.' I pointed out you weren't voting and commenting on the posts of Vihaan participants to encourage them to use Hive. You're answering accusations that only exist in your head. I haven't commented or asked about these things you keep on about.

"If you have ideas on how we can retain the users we onboard, do share."

post:I do, and I have. You seem unaware of it. Here's what I said on @blanchy's prior

"...more than 1m folks came here and climbed the learning curve after April 2017...The real problem was never marketing. The real problem with growth here has always been user retention. Unrestrained taxation easily blows users off the platform. Every Hive user can tax any content to the limit of their stake, because that's exactly what DV's are. >1m organic users were driven from the platform via DV's flatlining their rewards between 2017 and 2020 by whales disapproving of posters that made newbie mistakes and taxing the creators 100% of their rewards forever, and the only way to end the taxation was to 1) beg them to stop, and 2) perform whatever penitence they demanded while the penitent was ridiculed and derided, such as publishing a post a day for a year while declining rewards."

Now the market is tainted with the experiences of those former users, and we have that reputation to overcome.

"We are not paying them to write posts."

"Any future hackathon will release prizes in phases. The developers would have to show their progress and post about it. Once they do, a part of their prize amount will be released."

So, technically you're not paying them to post, but you're only releasing their prize money when they do, so from their perspective they're getting that money for posting. Let's not play at semantics here, or pretend this will encourage retention beyond the release of their prize money. Once they get the money, they're done posting, as we have seen from the examples of @lucirace and @mayank18.

"I'm not your servant..."

Perhaps you shouldn't be getting my money then.

I have not accused you of anything other than not commenting or voting on the posts of the new users you are supposed to be generating with the hackathons, but your guilty conscience has crafted from my questions the accusations you know you deserve.

Now we know it too.


@valued-customer @contestbox is not my account. Now don't go picking up more accounts and start asking if they all belong to me.

Thanks for answering a direct question directly. Others will be asking the questions instead of me from here on out, as I have been told by @guiltyparties that I will not see receipts for expenditures of my money, which is a criminal violation of his fiduciary responsibility to manage the funds he has agreed to handle lawfully.

I hope you haven't bought a ~$70k millstone around your neck, for your sake. But, given your treatment of me for asking for simple evidence of your performance of the responsibilities you undertook in exchange for that sum, I am not particularly devoted to your felicity. No one hanged anything around your neck but you, and you will be hanged by your own hand or not, depending on your performance as a fiduciary of funds belonging to others.

I am done here. Law enforcement will require receipts of you, where I could only ask politely.