"...if you do an honest days work, you should be able to easily have a house..."
And that is the fruit of independent production of wealth with decentralized means of production, not serving masters as wage slaves in collectives that empower overlords. That doesn't come from politics, but from sovereignty, not from being governed, but from being free. That is the paradigm in which we ourselves will find it preposterous we would not have a place to live when we are possessed of the means, the will, and the ability to apply those means at our will to build it.
The lesson I learned was to buy means to grow what I wanted to eat, not cans of processed foods that will rust and leave me in hunger. Buy heirloom seeds and build the means to manage a garden automatically, so that all we have to do after we have built it is eat what it produces under AI management.
Thank the gods my cat likes tuna from a can.
"...banksters creating money out of thin air to buy houses..."
This is how money has become an impediment to wealth, and why I eschew money to the extent I am able. Because the development is ongoing I yet am susceptible to money, just for the same reason I am unable to pick a site and place my home on it. There is much cooperation that must happen, and the difference between people working together, society, and institutions imposing rule on us, government, has to be sorted so that it is by we cooperating, not being subjugated to soviets - that cannot exist without being corrupted - that we attain to civil society in which not owning a home is preposterous.
Communism cannot do that, or it would have, lubricated by the blood of the devout that gave their lives to make Communism happen. Centralization (ubiquitously misunderstood as Capitalism) cannot make it happen either, because it is essentially a means of profiting from slavery. Real capitalism, which a tree investing in leaves in the Spring is exemplary of, will, as like that tree people invest in independent means of production that can be automated and leave them free to invest in more and diverse means of production. The introduction of Manus AI has affirmed my prediction that AI would become potential to manage means of production. It's not at all the mature software means of doing so yet, but it's properties obviously demonstrate applicability to that purpose.
I have been researching robotic arms that can be 3D printed, because you can't pick bugs off leaves, stir a vat, and scribe a furrow with anything lesser. There is ongoing development in the field, but I suspect Manus AI will be the cause of it's explosion in interest, as enthusiasts grasp the potential and press to attain it.