"...the snowball of unsustainability is already scary big and only getting exponentially larger."
"Generational wealth can't exist unless the financial environment of the future is just as unfair and tilted then as it is now."
This is only true if you think money is wealth. I consistently argue it isn't. Independent means is wealth.
"You don't have to buy a product if you can 3D print it yourself."
Simple as. Also, trading between producers enables the full panoply of the blessings of modern civilization to be available without every individual needing to possess every means of production of every product necessary to them. This is a key that crypto is, unlocking that panoply without entering the gauntlet of taxable events, excessive capital outlays, or unnecessary overhead burdening production. Crypto doesn't need to be a store of value to enable commerce in this way, and in fact two traders exchanging goods can create a one off temporary crypto for the purpose. This is one way that the feasting of overlords on individual production can be prevented. Obligate parasites will parasitize everything they can, and curing the infestation requires total exclusion from the life's blood of each and every producer, eventually.
While it seems surreal today, the fact is that humanity - which is us - has entered the Space Age. The first 3D printed spacecraft launched in March 2023. Multiple manufacturers have adopted 3D printing because it has been proven out, and massively decreases manufacturing costs and increases specificity and achievement of bespoke capabilities, which is the essence of space technology with the diversity of technical needs dependent on mission parameters. Additive manufacturing is necessarily the optimum production technology for this field.
The addition of aquaponics, DIY solar (and other power production techs), and molecular printing (for drugs, DNA, and other pharmaceutical purposes) creates a colonial capacity that is going to be not only necessary to extraterrestrial development of resources, but enable a diaspora that is difficult to conceptually constrain to anything short of absolute freedom. Armies cannot defeat a diaspora, cannot chase down the dispersed communities with anything resembling economic efficiency and compel them to pay taxes to overlords. It's far cheaper to simply fund a colony to develop other resources, not least because far better security tech exists than firearms, and it's a lot easier to kill meatsacks with guns than it is to drag people back to torture centers to convince to pay taxes.
The advent of decentralized means of production is the death knell of obligate parasitism and the centralized production it is dependent on. Particularly aggravated and accelerated by access to space resources, which total an inconceivable wealth from current potentials on Earth. Asteroid Psyche is worth ~$1Quadrillion. The solar system alone is full of multiple such opportunities for development just sitting there, unowned, able to be developed by the first person able to secure the resource. Given the hostility of the space environment, security is not hard to produce, as merely disrupting extremely complex systems necessary to habitable environment maintenance is all that is necessary to defeat marauders from a site developed with security in mind from the get go.