If food is free and housing is free then people are running around having 10 kids like psychos.
This is not shown experimentally. Mouse utopia does not end in universal starvation, but social derangement and unanticipated failure of reproduction. The experiment we are undertaking at the advent of the Space Age is different, because what we currently experience is the utopian dystopia, and the advent of colonies is where the 10 kid psychos will burgeon.
Your remark about extraterrestrial life is a potential limitation that remains presently unable to be characterized. I have long advocated for colonization of Venus, because at ~50km elevation, temperatures and pressures are basically Earth normal, and the abundant CO2, Sulphur dioxide, and sunlight available creates an obscenely fecund potential for verdant production of biologicals based on the identical nutrient pathway that fuels ocean vent ecosystems.
However, a recent paper argues strongly that this niche is already occupied on Venus, and that certain chemistry is very likely to be the result of native ecosystems currently living in Venusian clouds. If that is true, it would be utterly unethical to simply start factory farming biologically and replacing the first extraterrestrial life we have discovered. How to promote ethical development if there is actually extraterrestrial life is an almost impossible dilemma, because enforcing laws drafted on Earth with armies from Earth is inconceivable.
Regarding the necessity of money, I think commerce can be facilitated with cryptocurrency by adapting money conceptually to emergent needs. Crypto doesn't need to be a traditional store of value like gold, but can be simply tally marks representing negotiated valuations of different products being exchanged, with any unexchanged remainders carried over for future exchanges, or transferred to other traders, or even other networks exchanging production of completely different products. Crypto can be just as bespoke as 3D printed light switch plate covers with initials or little sculptures of bears on them. It's whatever we decide it is.