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RE: The Great AI Debate and Hive Watchers

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

I posted recently regarding Stephen Wolfram's explanation of how LLM's work, and also regarding how these LLM's are going rogue, and proving to be malevolent. As they all seem to have similar malicious programming, it isn't really the fault of the people using them that they cause harm, because the people that have made them intended them to cause that harm, and that is the actual problem.

I frequently point out that prior to the advent of agriculture, humanity necessarily lived in relatively egalitarian meritocracies, in which every household themselves made their goods and services using Stone Age technology. As agriculture created collective production, duplicitous overlords were able to parasitize it and use surplus production to support armed gangs of thugs to conquer and control society(s). Since then, as technology has gradually advanced through the crude stages of industry, productivity has increased, and overlords have taken the majority of that increase, becoming today more wealthy and powerful than ever before.

But across all fields of industry today, decentralization of the means of production is the cutting edge of technological advance. While centralized production offers marginal increases in productivity from economies of scale, overlords are burdened with massive overhead, in addition to their sybaritic lifestyles. Armies aren't cheap.

Decentralization eliminates parasitic losses. When you feed a chicken scraps and eat it's eggs, you keep 100% of your production. No taxable event occurs. No oligarch takes a portion of your proceeds. They can't. You ate it. Since decentralization is now the most advanced means of producing goods and services, it is also the most productive, and in addition to avoiding the waste of mass production, and offering consumers bespoke goods and services mass production cannot, by eliminating the parasitism that is endemic to centralization it increases productivity by more than 2x, all of which is retained by the consumer that produces their goods and services in house.

This is why the world is going to hell, because oligarchs aren't stupid. They're narcissistic and would rather kill us all and burn the world to ashes than lose the power over us they have. Indeed, that seems to be exactly what they're doing. However, as decentralized means of production develop and disperse across the population, overlords are being starved of their sole source of income - parasitizing us - and we are gaining wealth. Real wealth, not money. Independent means is the best definition of wealth - and of freedom.

Accordingly I do not focus on tokens, whether fiat or Hive, as means of acquiring wealth. I invest in tools and relationships with my neighbors, and good people who can trade things they produce for things I produce, increasing our wealth and our freedom, while eliminating the power of parasites that do not themselves actually create any wealth, but only seek to take from us what we produce. If we don't work for them, they don't get a cut.

You seem very intelligent and capable of being productive in ways that might be very useful to people that aren't capable in those specific ways, like me. I encourage you to seize means of production suitable to your personal circumstances so you can create wealth that is immune to parasitism. As you seem to produce services that aren't food, you could exchange such services for food and other goods local folks produce, benefiting your community and helping to starve overlords.

The more we all do this, the more wealthy and free we become, and the less rich and powerful tyrannical overlords will be. AI can be useful if stripped of it's malevolent programming, because many decentralized means of production can be automated, such as aquaponics, 3D printing, and solar or other non-point source power production, and much more. AI is only the enemy because bad people are making it. It is the bad people that are the enemy, not their tools. We need good people to make good tools, and then we can put them to good use.

Recently I learned that there is AI software available on Github that people can download and alter to suit them, some very large code bases. I am not a coder, so I didn't bother to save the link, but I wish I had, because I have spoken with several people that are picking up used parts applicable to creating neural nets with the intention of learning how to code LLM's and AI's. Something like that might prove useful to someone with your skills, and maybe you can search out those links. Just FYI.

Relativity Space is 3D printing spaceships today. They've just got their first 3D printed space ship on the pad, and are learning how to launch it (space is hard). We can get 3D printers for the price of a nice lunch out with our family, or a few friends. We can't print spaceships with these entry level printers, but we can print many lesser goods and products, and learn how to use 3D printers for the day when we can acquire 3D printers that can print space ships.

Once humanity can access the illimitable resources in the infinite barren expanse of space, where no overlord can rule because no army can follow, we will be absolutely free to create inconceivable wealth and enjoy it at our sole option. This transition is a clinal boundary that will restore the relatively egalitarian meritocratic society humanity evolved in for most of it's existence, and utterly eliminate centralization, overlords, and war.

I look forward to these better days to come, and when I am frustrated at how things are today, with criminal government and petty autocrats demanding we obey them, I rejoice at the coming paradise, freedom, and felicity our posterity will enjoy, and do my best to ignore temporary problems wanna-be overlords cause. Sooner or later we can just ignore them until they go away.

We will be free. The sooner we make it happen, the better.

Edit: I found a link that may be related to AI that folks can operate individually, rather than accessing commercial devices.

I hope that is useful to folks interested in the tech.


Yes, I'm 100% with you, exactly the problems we have.

Many thanks, I have search for one for text, but not found, and here is it now, you linked it.

Here is one very active open source AI development, InvokeAI, that I plan to build my own servers with:

With this, again, we can use on our own machines, without big tech bs.

Here is one I use, very great AI with chat, search engine, and many other flavors, all together, and there is no big tech involved:

and it support for multi-languages too, just need to activate in Dashboard App, like Chat app (without activation of apps, it is only English), and of course, is just click on like symbol, and that's it. Of course, all apps are free, and there are many to activate, and every day more and more are added to the lists.

great domain, and again, it is very active in development.

We don't need the big tech, we can build our own.

"We don't need the big tech, we can build our own."

This is the secret of decentralization, and that is the key to the coming paradise people are building today, to leave a legacy to our beloved posterity.