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RE: Hive Is Not Dying

in LeoFinance9 months ago

None of this matters. What matters is users. Hive is hemorrhaging users steadily, and that userbase is what matters. It's the users that matter, that imbue the token with value, and we're down to ~3k humans, while some of the whales have 10x that many accounts.

We've lost >1M users since 2017. That's not going to be reversed by funding a rally car.

Hive's not dying. It's weekend at Bernie's around here.


Users are only one network effect.

That's not going to be reversed by funding a rally car.

Yep. Pretty dumb use of funds. Who saw Tony Stewart racing and said I have to go to Home Depot and buy 2x4s? Nobody.

People are the fundamental purpose of society, and Hive is a society that has no purpose without it's users. I know there are AI bots I interact with already, that have become competent to post and comment better than most people. Hive is becoming a few whales that funnel all the tokens into their wallets using bots, while the actual society withers and is flagged away.

In the meantime the market for censorship resistance grows apace with increasing censorship across the social media landscape, and society increasingly suffers the inability to shout 'Fire!' in a burning theater. This isn't merely an economic or financial matter. It's a matter of survival, and people are dying by the millions for lack of forthright speech. What Hive could be becomes increasingly valuable to humanity, while Hive loses it's ability to provide that value due to regulatory capture by the oligarchy that own it.

In the meantime the market for censorship resistance grows apace with increasing censorship across the social media landscape, and society increasingly suffers the inability to shout 'Fire!' in a burning theater. This isn't merely an economic or financial matter. It's a matter of survival, and people are dying by the millions for lack of forthright speech. What Hive could be becomes increasingly valuable to humanity, while Hive loses it's ability to provide that value due to regulatory capture by the oligarchy that own it.

That is true and Hive does solve that.

while Hive loses it's ability to provide that value due to regulatory capture by the oligarchy that own it.

Not sure what this has to do with censorship resistance. All is posted on chain and can be accessed.

"...can be accessed."

Can you code a front end? I can't. 99.999% of society cannot. Despite I love Peakd, it also facilitates censorship that can only be surmounted by (highly competent) coders. DV's are censorship. That's why they work to prevent and eliminate spam, scams, and plagiarism. They're taxes, and taxation has demonstrated capacity to prevent autonomy. Opinion flagging has blatantly worked to chase off a vibrant community that threatened the capture of the rewards pool by the oligarchy, and the incompetence of people to pierce the veil of code that keeps the secrets of profiteers remains sufficient to that purpose.

Were Hive not a plutocracy, it could solve that censorship issue, but it is, and can't, because it's owner won't relinquish it's possession. Decentralization of governance cannot be delivered by a plutocracy. @ned proposed a system to use oracles and 1a1v to surmount plutocratic control of governance, but we saw what happened to @ned. He took the money and ran.

Can you code a front end?

No but there are plenty who can. And there are other options. I dont use ecency but Leo doesint hide posts or comments based upon Hive voting. In fact, it does nothing with them.

And 3Speak doesnt censor videos to my knowledge. Maybe they are doing things on the back end I dont know about but I think anyone can post whatever they want. Would it apply if something such as porn or really racist ranks stay up? I cant answer if they would take it down or not.

I actually misstated the facts above. Hive censorship cannot be mitigated by code, unless code that eliminates the ability to tax forthright speech is implemented. The ability to censor spam, scams, and plagiarism (may be) is necessary to Hive, and this makes censoring free speech almost impossible to prevent.

It doesn't matter at all that the information persists. Censorship through financial taxation is one of the most effective tools to control populations that has ever been created, and DV's on Hive well demonstrate that competence.

I apologize for my dull-wittedness. I am exemplary of the dull-witted all too often.

It's inherent in the entire model. Without an owner, a CEO, a Ned Scott, there's no individual incentive to see to its growth. Everyone can just handwave it off to everybody else

There is an owner, it's just an association of whales. A few dozen whales command the vast majority of rewards, and tailor their capture to their needs. The user base has been reduced to a few thousand actual people, which actually lend a veneer of legitimacy to the platform and extend the duration of Hive to it's profiteers.

I await the eventuation of an actual censorship resistant social media platform that delivers what Hive only promises.

@ned well revealed the motivations of oligarchs. Plutocracies are contraindicated as management of societies, for the obvious reason that plutocrats only seek their benefit. Actual decentralization will eventuate, somewhere. Somewhere else, apparently.

There is an owner, it's just an association of whales.

Well, yeah I suppose, functionally so.

I await the eventuation of an actual censorship resistant social media platform that delivers what Hive only promises.

They have come and gone dozens of times. I remember feeling threatened that our project here is to vanish with the latest competition over and over again. They all centralise and vanish... That says something about the idea, I reckon.

I completely agree that the rally car is one of the biggest wastes of DHF funds I have ever seen.

This allows you to get paid passively for onboarding businesses and new users. Its free for everyone on hive to use and receive value for evangelizing Hive.

What we need is to retain users that make the effort to onboard. That will require a fund nominal to mitigate opinion flags and a bot capable of it. @freezepeach has not managed to provide nominal mitigation despite the outstanding persons and intent of that service.

Hive has lost ~2M accounts since 2017. It has lost untold tens of millions that they would have onboarded through their networks. Hive will not recapture those users nor dissipate the stench of their outrage at being flagged off the platform by any lesser means, nor perhaps by any means short of ending the ability of taxation to censor forthright speech.

I appreciate your substantive consideration, but only ceasing taxing of free speech will suffice to the problem.