
an uneven terrain to show the potential of the car driving in this type of environment

company front

A biogas alternative for solar panels, where only biodegradable derivatives are needed to generate heat, recommended for those who have a farm with poultry and pigs

random machines

Some stores had their own locations, and others were in pavilions, this was pavilion 4

This was pavilion 3

This was pavilion 1

More random machines

People talking

Another large machinery store

This was the line for lunch at the restaurant, it was huge so we went for a snack

Some tractors

Tire store

Agricultural machinery store

A van selling t-shirts of the city's football team

Corn planting

I don't know what that store was about, but that big piece of machinery in the background is an oven.

Another planting I couldn't identify, lol

In front of the store there was a giant hose that was used to automatically water the crops.

Some more planting

Another planting, but I found this one a little yellowish

A billboard for a 'plantation' of solar panels, known as a power plant

I believe that in the background it must be a big silo

In the image we can see a waste burning machine, an oven and a horse training propeller

I don't know what it was, but it was something about earth minerals, with several stickers simulating the elements of the periodic table that the soil has.

More machines

Stand up paddle board, I believe it is

A machine with a really crazy shape

Space for new technologies

Virtual reality game

Another machine, very large

This one is even bigger

A spider man with a ventriloquist dragon

Agricultural defender propaganda for planting

This was just a part of the parking lot, it was full, there were about 5 repeated images of passenger vehicles and dozens more buses and trucks