The strength of the Brazilian community in Leo | Week #3

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

This post will be updated whenever a new Brazilian is found, and weekly we will have a report on the performance of how the community is growing, stabilizing or decreasing.

Community LeoPower Total: 18,628.238 | -72.692 | -%0.38

UserLeoPower% Total
@coyotelation9,301.535 (+159.197)49.93% (+1.00%)
@casberp2,157.19511.58% (+0.05%)
@bastter2,021.980 (+19.535)10.85% (+0.15%)
@matheusggr1,751.500 (-977.459)9.40% (-5.19%)
@wiseagent1,288.180 (-289.996)6.41% (-1.52%)
@vempromundo667.032 (+500)3.58% (+2.69%)
@hranhuk575.000 (+500)3.08% (+2.68%)
@wagnertamanaha431.665 (+5.828)2.31% (+0.04%)
@tfranzini352.027 (-5)1.88% (+0.08%)
@nascimentoab44.473 (+2.118)0.23% (+0.01%)
@biginvestor2.000 (+1.500)0.01%
@viniciotricolor1.138 (+0.051)0.006% (+0.001%)
@jsantana0.047 (+0.016)0.0002% (+0.0001%)

If you know of any Brazilian who has LeoPower and has not been added to the list, comment on his @ which I edit.

Versão em português

Essa postagem será atualizada sempre que um novo brasileiro for encontrado, e semanalmente teremos um relatório do desempenho de como a comunidade está crescendo, estabilizada ou diminuindo.

Se souber de algum brasileiro que tenha LeoPower e não foi adicionado a lista, comente o @ dele que eu edito.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


@dannychain I am pretty sure this needs to be muted from Hypnochain.

In a random post I received 1 Hypno, so as I still don't know how Hypno works, I put his tag in that publication to see the return. If I can't use the tag I will remove it without any problems. Thanks for the comment alerting me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hypnochain is for hypnosis/some mind control content. Token distribution is different. The "!HYPNO" reply can be used daily for every 100 staked HYPNO to reward posts, even posts not directly related to the tribe's preferred content. There isn't a lot of hypnosis/mind control/ASMR posted daily so I also try to do my allowed token distribution for positive thinking, mental health, ect. content.

thank you for your attention in explaining, and understanding about what happened, I will no longer misuse the tag

Hey @vempromundo, here is your HYPNO ;)

Ja pode incluir ele aí heheNosso amigo @thomashnblum já começou a colocar LP das recompensas.

E temos outros dois brasileiros que voltaram recentemente. Não tem LP ainda, mas eles tem HP
o que eu acho que seria legal uma tabela de HP também, não acha?

@guifaquetti e @fireguardian

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Opa, certamente colocarei ele na semana 4

Estou pensando em estender e fazer o ranking de Leo na Leofinance e de Hive e Pob na frontend da PoB

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

E pode aproveitar juntar as tabelas mostrando as colunas com os power em cada uma ahsuhausa.

Produtividade que chama, né? xD

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Tipo isso kkk

É muito bom ver mais brs chegando e retornando para a nossa galera.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Quite impressive. What is your reason for documenting this though, I'd like to know?

Posted via | The City of Neoxian

We Brazilians have little active voice, both in Hive and in the world of cryptocurrencies. Our country's currency is highly devalued, which prevents us from accumulating crypts for the future and at the same time being able to pay basic survival bills, especially in times of pandemic.

These weekly reports help the community to understand who is active and trying to grow so that others can help. 250 monthly HIVE is the same as a minimum wage in the country and with that, for example, I could pay all the bills and still have some money left over. By posting in 2 communities this value is reached more quickly, as for example Hive and Leo, the simple fact of being able to do 150 HIVE and 79 LEO per month, this value is already reached.

I believe that the Brazilian community helping each other to grow, and managing to make more than these values ​​per month, we will be able to pay our bills peacefully and have some money left over to reinvest in PowerUp.

That way, we would have plenty of time to generate content around here, without our mind getting heavy thinking about how we will pay bills at the end of the month.

This is just one view of why there is a need for a growth report for the Brazilian community, among many other reasons.

Thanks for the comment and interest in the post about our community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cool! I agree with all you've said here, I now see that it is indeed necessary to make reports like this. In the past I hardly ever heard anything about Brazilian involvement in crypto currency. Good job @vempromundo 👍

We need more unity ( Brazilians ). Great idea !

Espero que a próxima semana tenha números melhores do que agora. Continue com o ótimo relatório semanal Eduardo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Provavelmente, irá demorar até os BR's começarem a fazer barulho... Mas nós estamos indo bem.

O que importa mesmo é a direção que nós estamos seguindo, e não tanto a velocidade até nós chegarmos lá (mas é claro que quanto mais rápido melhor).

Vamo que vamo!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Olá amigo, se puderes me incluir na lista, estou começando agora. Obrigado.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta