
I'm sure there are videos about that, but it'll take me a bit long to find them. Try making a #feedback thread asking about this, I'm sure there are many people better than me who will be happy to answer.

Please sir can you recommend a video for it so I learn, maybe the link so I watch it out boss.

How about this one?

I wanted to send it to you yesterday, but I wasn't in a situation to look up the vids on youtube.

Thanks boss. But I don't really understand how to of if I would earn a peanut from this if I start with $100.

It's hard to predict a Liquidity Pool earnings... Right now you probably won't earn much if it all because there aren't many users in the pool. You'll only earn substantial amount if Leodex became used by a lot of people every day. I think that will happen in the future, but there's no guarantee.

Okay, thanks for this.