I feel bitcoin now is different from what it used to be. It has become a gold reserve of sorts and has deviated from the core values it once held. It was meant to be a currency for all but now is a reserve luxury of the rich. It was meant to put wealth into the hands of the poor which it isn't. But moving away from issues of the heart to the techincal aspects. It is slowly losing its current utility (or gaining a new one) Its main utility was to be a peer to peer currency which solved double spending, speed of transaactions and removing the middleman all while being fluid and psuedonymous.In its nature bitcoin was anarchist, rebelling from the norms of traditionaal finance. The coin has paved the way for defi, a new way of looking at finance but is itslef regressing to traditional finance in that it has huge transaction fees, is unaffordable and not so fluid. Just my small opinion on the matter
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No it never was.
My opinion is that bitcoin is doing very well, and being a store of value is necessary before enough people can trust it to be a currency. You can't expect someting to be a good mean of currency in only 10 years, it takes way more time than that. Imo it will continue its way to being the global currency where everything is priced in BTC, in parallele LN will continue to grow and we will use it for daily transactions. A lot more coins and tokens will be used for specific services and we will easily exchange them versus BTC. People are too much in a hurry.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta