This User Exhibits Severe Mental Illness
This user is certain</> (and by this it's inferred he's certainly delusional) that the government is after him for no reason at all, spreading libel, and slander due to being completely enveloped in their own delusions and psychosis. For whatever reason this individual figures himself important enough to be the target of top secret technology beaming voices into his head and causing him anguish. In reality he's a mentally ill nobody creating a massive schizophrenic delusion and blaming people he thinks are talking to him using synthetic telepathy rather than realizing he's literally a fucking nobody and has never done anything remotely notable nor poses any form of threat to actually justify the delusions he holds dear.. This is what schizophrenic hallucinations and delusions look like people. This man is sick and crying out for help while not actually seekling out medical help and the medication he so obviosly needs.. Mental health is important. Don't end up like this sad soul gangstalking.. Seek mental health help if you are in distress or feel you need to talk to someone.