Has Trump turned pro Bitcoin? This is what Trump said at the Libertarian National Congress 2024.

in LeoFinance5 months ago (edited)

Ist Trump jetzt pro-Bitcoin?

Bei einer Veranstaltung der Libertären Partei in den USA hat Trump eine starke Rede für Bitcoin und Kryptowährungen gehalten und sich für das Selbstaufbewahrungsrecht von Kryptos und gegen CBDCs ausgesprochen.

Das hat beim Libertarian National Congress 2024 in Washington großen Beifall ausgelöst.

Während seiner Präsidentschaft ist Trump aber nicht unbedingt als Kryptobefürworter aufgefallen, sondern soll sogar einmal gesagt haben, dass er kein Bitcoin-Fan sei.

Diese Position hat sich anscheinend im Laufe der Zeit gewandelt. Zuletzt hat Trump sogar ein eigenes NFT-Projekt gelauncht.

Andererseits neigen Politiker gerne vor allem vor Wahlen genau das zu sagen, was das jeweilige Publikum, vor dem sie sprechen, gerade hören möchte. Wahlkampf-Versprechen sind oft nicht viel wert.

Denkt ihr hat Trump tatsächlich seine Meinung bezüglich Kryptowährungen geändert oder ist es einfach nur Stimmenfang vor den US-Wahlen? Jedenfalls haben manche Kandidaten Krypto-Anleger als wichtige und einflussreiche Wählergruppe erkannt, was eine große Veränderung zu den letzten Wahlen ist.

Trump Pro-Bitcoin Speech (2024)

I will ensure that the future of crypto and the future of Bitcoin will be made in the USA not driven overseas. I will support the right of self-custody. To the nation's 50 million crypto holders, I will say this: I will keep Elizabeth Warren and her goons away from your Bitcoin. And I will never allow the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
Donald Trump at the Libertarian National Congress 2024

Trump vows to establish crypto future in the US (2024)


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Donald Trump Continues His Pro-Crypto Crusade


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Is Trump now pro-Bitcoin?

At a Libertarian Party event in the US, Trump gave a strong speech in favor of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and spoke out in favor of self-storage rights for cryptos and against CBDCs.

This was met with great applause at the Libertarian National Congress 2024 in Washington.

During his presidency, however, Trump has not necessarily stood out as a crypto advocate, but is even said to have once stated that he is not a fan of Bitcoin.

This position has apparently changed over time. Most recently, Trump even launched his own NFT project.

On the other hand, politicians tend to say exactly what the audience they are speaking to wants to hear, especially before elections. Election campaign promises are often not worth much.

Do you think Trump has actually changed his mind about cryptocurrencies or is it just vote-buying ahead of the US elections? Either way, some candidates have recognized crypto investors as an important and influential group of voters, which is a big change from the last election.

Live your Secrets and Hive Prosper 🍯

xx Viki @vikisecrets


I don't think his own mind changed, though I would see it as a reflection for society. The fact that politicians change their sayings is because they think society wants them to. I guess slowly we're coming closer to adoption! :D

Der Typ ist einfach nur PRO SICH SELBER 🤣

😂 pro Geldverdienen mit NFTs: https://collecttrumpcards.com/

On the other hand, politicians tend to say exactly what the audience they are speaking to wants to hear, especially before elections. Election campaign promises are often not worth much.

Exactly this. Trump has a history of only saying what he thinks will get him elected and then completely changing his mind later. It will be no different here. He thinks being pro-crypto can get him elected, so that is what he says. Later if he is elected will be do what he said? Flip a coin and roll some dice and you have a better chance of being right than trying to predict if Trump will maintain a position from one day to the next.

Welcome but I wouldn't trust him on this particular thing. The permanent bureaucracy is the problem and only if he manages to deal with that this time, will it make any difference. Judgement is reserved (however he will be better on everything than the other train wreck there now).

It actually looks like trump is beginning to accept bitcoin gradually

Yeehaw! Trump's pro-Bitcoin stance sure is like watching a wild stallion run free in the prairie! Keep riding high, partners!

Oh, ich glaube es ist echt schwierig zu sagen was bei Trump im Kopf vorgeht !LOL

Aber wie kann man denn überhaupt noch gegen Bitcoin sein?

Trump is pro-business and now sees crypto as an economic opportunity for the US and most importantly as a political opportunity to split off crypto voters from the Democrats and the Libertarian party.

That 3-4% that the Libertarians get could help Trump to a landslide victory.

Seems like everyday, trump is realising that he can't fight against bitcoin

He is pro whatever can make him gain some votes

Ja, und er ist anti-CBDC! Sehr gut!

He doesn't seem like a very trustworthy person to me.

He's saying that for his votes, and he only believes in his own business of real estate, trust me

i think that is possible since trump is a businessman. maybe he has bought some bitcoin during bear.

Auf jeden Fall klasse PR Arbeit :-)

I feel this is just an agenda though
I don’t trust Trump that much

i think he is only using btc for the election

You know one can't really say much in things like these, it's a fifty-fifty thing, either or either not.

Trump is a populist.
He says what he thinks people want to hear.
What he is doing is something else.
Wouldn't trust him.

It will be very nice if Donald Trump was being sincere with his speech.

trump might win this election.

Und um Trump im Wahlkampf zu helfen, haben die Libertären einen linken Clown als Präsidentschaftskandidaten nominiert. 😂

He's a politician and he knows what to say to please the people, I think his perception has not changed.

they are politicians, do what they can to earn some votes.

I don't really have a grasp on how big the US Politics are for crypto, but could Trump's support push BTC over 100k ?

He says all kinds of things. What counts would be if he actually invested substantial sums in Crypto. He is full of hot air. The Presidential race in the USA is between Tweedledee and Tweedledum. untitled.gif

haha, well said 😂

Jaja der Trump, das größte Fähnchen im Wind weltweit. 😂


With this election coming up, we're seeing people trying to make crypto more popular, and if that's the case, that's good news for all of us.