Squid Game season 2 features a crypto sammer 😂 (Spoiler)

in LeoFinance16 days ago (edited)

Haha, in der Season 2 der koreanischen Netflix-Serie Squid Game macht ein Kryptowährungs-Scammer mit.

Squid Game ist eine Art Battle-Royale, zu dem hoch verschuldete Menschen eingeladen werden, um ein Preisgeld zu gewinnen. Was sie am Anfang nicht wissen, ist dass jeder Spieler, der bei einer Runde verliert, getötet wird. Jeder "disqualifizierte" Spieler erhöht das Preisgeld. Nach jeder Runde stimmen die Teilnehmer ab, ob sie weitermachen wollen oder nicht.

Der Player mit der Nummer 333 Lee Myung-gi (gespielt von Im Si-wan) in der Season 2 ist ein verschuldeter Kryptowährungs-Betrüger, der einen YouTube-Kanal MG Coin betreibt und einen fiktiven Shitcoin names "Dalmatian" promotet hat, der zu einem Verlust von 15.2 Milliarden Won (circa 10 Millionen Dollar) geführt hat.

Andere Teilnehmer, die durch den Shitcoin Geld verloren haben, finden schnell heraus, dass der Promoter des Shitcoins unter ihnen weilt.

Wie sich das dann entwickelt, könnt ihr euch sicher vorstellen.

Finde es witzig, dass Squid Game das Thema Kryptowährungen aufgreift, aber leider wird nur das negative Image/Klischee (Shitcoins, Scams) bedient.

Vielleicht haben sich die Macher von Squid Game vom SQUID-Token inspirieren lassen. Nach dem Start der Season 1 gab es nämlich einen Shitcoin SQUID, einen inoffiziellen Squid Game Token, der mittlerweile 95% an Wert verloren hat.

Was sagt ihr dazu? Habt ihr die Season 2 von Squid Game bereits gesehen? Wie gefällt euch die Rolle des Krypto-Scammers? Warum werden Kryptos in Serien immer negativ dargestellt?

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Netflix: Squid Game


Non-official Squid Game Token (Shitcoin, Scam)





Haha, a cryptocurrency scammer takes part in Season 2 of the Korean Netflix series Squid Game.

Squid Game is a kind of battle royale where highly indebted people are invited to win prize money. What they don't know however is that any player who loses a round will be killed. Each “disqualified” player increases the prize money. After each round, the participants vote whether they want to continue or not.

The player with the number 333 Lee Myung-gi (played by the actor Im Si-wan) in Season 2 is an indebted cryptocurrency scammer who runs the YouTube channel MG Coin and promoted a fictious shitcoin called “Dalmatian”, which led to a loss of 15.2 billion won (approx. 10 million dollars).

Other participants who have lost money through the Shitcoin quickly find out that the promoter of the Shitcoin is among them.

I'm sure you can imagine how that develops.

I think it's funny that Squid Game takes up the topic of cryptocurrencies, but unfortunately it only serves the negative image/cliché (shitcoins, scams).

Perhaps the creators of Squid Game were inspired by the SQUID token. After the start of Season 1, there was a Shitcoin SQUID, an unofficial Squid Game token, which has since lost 95% of its value since then.

What do you think? Have you already watched Squid Game Season 2? How do you like the role of the crypto scammer? Why are cryptos always portrayed negatively in TV shows?

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it cant be help since there are a lot of people using crypto to scam other people.

I think it's natural. Since the participants are people with a lot of debt, it's no surprise there are some people in there who lost a lot in scams related to crypto.

This needs to not be a show and instead be real lol

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I like a lot .Ake I like thanos the most

I have not watched season 2 yet. I'll have to watch it later and it's interesting to see a crypto scammer there. I think they do it because it's a way to attract viewers.

Not familiar with Squid Game, but yes, I observe cryptocurrency is a favorite theme in K dramas on Netflix. At least, I watched three films that identified it as a scam and a favorite exit for embezzlement.

Klingt interessant. Eigentlich mag ich keine Filme/Serien mit unnötiger Brutalität da ich finde, dass die Gewaltdarstellungen in den letzten Jahren unnormal zugenommen haben. Oder meinst du man kann oder sollte sich das trotzdem ansehen?

Squid Game ist als Battle Royale schon ziemlich heftig, aber denke gibt Schlimmeres.


Ich habe einen Teil der ersten Staffel gesehen. Mir sind aber offenbar generell diese Todesspiel-Serien zuwider.

that part of the episode was very funny

I have recently finished it and that was good

That's pretty cool


It's no news hearing that 99% of shitcoins are made by scammers. So anytime I hear shitcoin, I just hear, scammers.

Yes, I liked that character.. very like real life. 😎✌️

I haven't watched it and not sure I'll take the time to either. You would have to be a sucker to buy a Squid token, unless of course you were the guy creating it trying to rake in all of the millions from the suckers who buy it because of the word Squid...

I think the focus on the negative aspects comes through the story of the series. The main characters all have massive debt because of gambling or bad financial decisions.
Maybe season 3 switches it up a little and shows a VIP who became rich through crypto

I watched that part especially the way Thanos hated him for scamming him😅😅

Habe die Staffel gesehen und fand es auch lustig mit dem Scammer.

Habe ich nicht, auch nicht die erste. Ich weiß nicht ob ich es überhaupt angucken werde.

Hab bisher erst die erste Folge gesehen und bin gespannt! :)

They all didn’t take it easy with the scammer especially the guy on purple hair😅

I've never actually seen this show. But killing the guy who stole your savings is motivating.

Isn't that so often the case... the image still remains a negative/scammy one in MSM. I was kinda amused/disappointed by the portrayal, although he does become a likable character towards the latter episodes, or at least, he did to me.

Why are cryptos always portrayed negatively in TV shows?

I dunno, but I think the over-the-top negative portrayal does signal something interesting. It's not just a matter of saying to the gen pop "this is bad, don't". After all, drug dealers/users and serial criminals get portrayed with some degree of compassion, complexity and understanding. Though those are obviously cases of "bad, don't". Anything they try so hard to discourage is worth looking at, at least.

They could also add a character that lost his money because of high credit interest rates or high taxes 😂 Already looking forward to season 3.

I don't watch it but they are following the moment of crypto talks, even tough making it look like bad


Just saw this last evening and was laughing my ass off, the Korean Sam Bankman-Fried lol. You know that dude ain't making it to the end of the games lol.



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There is good reviews about squid game. I still haven't seen an episode yet !

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I have never watched Squid Game Season 2, the crypto scam needs to stop, it is having a bad effect on other cryptos.

It is very undestable as the Hive continue to riffe

The guy has a lot of generational debt

Hey @lasseehlers. Squid Game Token sounds like something you would love now that your XEN and TitanX investments are in the toilet and the HEX crypto scammer you promoted is now on the run from Interpol.

Posted using MemeHive
