In your humble opinion, what do you think is the importance of the downvote button here on HIVE and would you use it?

in LeoFinancelast year

Please mention what do you think is the importance of the downvote button here on HIVE and whether you would be using it. Thank you very much in advance for your answer(s). All the best!

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I think the main reason we have a downvote button is to prevent content from gaining traction which the community deems to be unsatisfactory or breaks our moral code. I also believe that we have a downvote button to be fair with having an upvote button. 


I personally would not use the downvote button since I believe that everyone has a right to what they want to say, even if I don't agree with it. However, the only time I would use the button is if I found something very offensive I didn't want inside of the Hive community.

Very beautiful, accurate, and common sense comment! Thank you so much for your answer! All the best and much respect!