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RE: Hive - A Useful Tool To See The Downvoters And The Downvoted

in LeoFinancelast year

By the way, I did not complain per se about any user who powered up and maintained their rewards there. It is absolutely their right. This is yet another false claim by you. That was not the point of my so-called complaints (which were realistic descriptions of how things stand in terms of some far bigger users who downvoted me). You bigger bullies should be more intelligent than that when trying to pick on someone who is not your size and not resort to false accusations and claims. Quote exactly when I mentioned that, respectively that it is a bad thing to power up and keep your rewards. But you won't, because there isn't any. I've waisted a lot of my precious time already on a bully like you. You and your acolytes/followers should think twice before downvoting other minnows. You haven't influenced my rewards here with an iota. And I was still able to give in more to the causes I support, not because I want to be 'sanctified', you liar, but because that's the right thing to do in life. Some people are so poor instead that money is all they got... And you wouldn't understand such important gestures anyway (you and the nasty Satanist who mocked charity). You seem quite on par one with another in terms of launching false accusations and claims to someone you don't even know. Which truly speaks volume of your lack of respect. As someone else pointed out here about you, that's the description you have before my eyes as well. You are just a big bully with an illusory influence here who thinks it's right to downvote minnows and then use sub-urban vocabulary as you see fit. What you did here is disgraceful, not to me, but to the HIVE community (also downvoting other users because that's the only thing you can do best here, naturally).


I mocked you and your bragging about what charity work you do you fucking cock-knocker.

The tag line in my profile is humorous - satanic cat society indeed. But of course, you being a lying piece of shit say I'm a Satanist? You disgust me.

Fuck off to wherever you are fucking off to and stop whining like a crybaby dick.

Fucking teenagers man

I am not a teenager. But nowhere near as old as you, hehe. Keep on using sub-urban swear words. Usually I refrain from writing back to the likes of you. And I am not bragging, just so you know. But you wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyhow, now would you? There's another lie that I am a teenager. You have the rudimentary insult vocabulary of an alcoholic. And if you behave like this to teenagers, I shudder to think what you will be like a father behaving to your children when they grow up like that (in case you are one already, oh, man, you left me speechless in that regard for certain).

And you have no right to speak like that to anyone (let alone an adult like me, a young one very much unlike you, biologically at least) you evil monster! I am not whining, not before the likes of you! You must be a truly horrible person in real life!

P.S.: Your assumption that I am a mere teenager reveals how rudimentary your assertion about someone else is (someone you certainly don't know but went berserk on in terms of downvoting and false projections, accusations, or assumptions which I dismantled and still do carefully). I am 26, by the way, but by this age, even as a non-native English speaker, I can write far more politely in a dispute of this sort that you will ever be able to. When you have no arguments, you just resorted to plain illogical criticism and the most disgusting swear words. In point of fact, come to really think of it, even a Satanist or an Occultist (and believe me, I am mature enough to know what Occultism or other forms of spirituality truly are, some of which you don't have the faintest idea about, both good and bad) would have been able to come up with far more well refined swear words.

And in order to successfully dismantle this last lie on your behalf, teenagers these days don't listen anymore to Paul McCartney, The Animals, The Beatles, The Doors, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, etc. (just to name a few)

Although you sound like a grumpy old man (and not one who is actually a good guy deep under as it is the case of, for example, Bruce Wayne), you overlooked this. My point here: I am not a teenager once again and you specifically hit some posts of mine with Paul McCartney. Not even a staunch Rolling Stones fan would do that. You seem old enough to have been able to listen to these bands or artists back in the 1970s at least (that is, if you did not have any other musical preferences, which I don't care about anyway) and, paradoxically enough, even if the Stones and the Beatles were rough rivals, they also were very good friends! Just by naming the frequency of my latest posts as your main argument for your constant downvotes is a shallow argument for certain. Indirectly, knowingly or not, with bad will or not, you downvoted someone who intended and did charity to people in suffering. I live close to the border with Ukraine, you lying brute, and I helped Ukrainians through other means of donation before and since the beginning of this brutal war (something which you wouldn't ever be able to understand or even remotely grasp). Mocking charity the way you did and using false accusations makes you one of the worst possible users here, nevermind how much HP you amassed (which I, frankly speaking don't even care of). You fail to understand the essence behind my responses time and again because you even lack substance in your insults. I write as a college graduate (even in this context; which, by the way, I am), you on the other hand don't even write like a teenager in high school (once again, it is 'it's' not 'its' - not to mention your insults are quite lame even by today's teenagers' standards, for crying out loud!). And I have two university degrees as well as ongoing MA in British culture and civilisation. I severely doubt you have either an ongoing MA or MSc. Here are some more reasons why you did not pick on a mere teenager.

Lol. This is hilarious. Four replies to my one comment.


Triggered ya good and proper.

Thought you weren't going to reply to a single comment I made?

Told ya, you can't even get that right and you are an outright liar.

At least everyone can see 🙂

I didn't read any of your replies either.

Best regards!

That was for a separate post, liar. And one of your previous comments came in earlier than one of my last there. I stopped at it, as I should (you ultimately had the last comment). And I will here as well, but not before writing the fact that you are the perfect example of how I would not like to age (all the more on the internet). Last but not least, acronyms such as 'lol' shouldn't be used by old runts like you (it doesn't make you any younger you know).


You would've enjoyed picking on a teenager if I were one, wouldn't you, you obscene brute? With that sort of obnoxious vocabulary even a teenager would know exactly what type of creature you are. You seem to suspiciously fancy swear words pertaining to the fields of male genitalia and fecal matter, though you fall short in terms of properly adjusting them to an appropriate recipient (there shouldn't be any at all, but that is a far more complex discussion for someone with such a low threshold of emotional intelligence like you). I assure you once more in intellectual and biologically mature regards that I have more Coursera completed courses (on my expense, mind you, without anything allegedly 'drained' from HIVE from my rewards) at the University of Edinburgh alone than you can count your not so original pathetic swear words.

P.S.: If I were a father, I would be tremendously ashamed of picking on a teenager, unless I would have a proper reason for it (and even in that scenario, given conscience - a word which I bet isn't in your limited vocabulary - I wouldn't do it or still be very much ashamed afterwards). And judging by your lack of respect and repulsive insults you are no way near to being an authority figure to anyone, thank God!