LeoDEX Trading Among Bots and Increasing CUB Den Investment by 64%

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Ever since I started my journey into cryptocurrency in 2017, I have had plenty of reasons to complain about how markets have gone full retard. The bright side is that it creates distortions where those who analyze better can make better decisions and possibly make a great ROI betting on great projects winning out and bad ideas eventually failing.

Sometimes external factors affecting liquidity (it could be a health issue or emergency or government intervention) can ruin a person's chance at profiting from their research. Not having enough money to invest can limit their earning potential. For the longest time I have not had enough to invest till I feel satisfied whether it is @splinterlands @leofinance or CUB.

My Impatience Driving LEO Price Up

LEO Purchase.png

That was merely a first attempt. I was waiting and bots were acting fast putting my order behind. I had to act as I wanted to finish buying up some more CUB while the prices crash and burn in the madness of mispriced cryptocurrency assets.

LEO Purchase 2.png

Even that was not sufficient to move the markets and I had to continue my efforts one last time to make sure I have enough LEO to move to Binance Smart Chain before ending my day's trading activities.

LEO Purchase 3.png

Later I managed to add even more to my LEO with selling off more of my assets for LEO. There has been no massive changes in terms of relative prices between HIVE/LEO/CUB. Day traders must have had a great time. What matters to me is more of the long term potential. Currently I feel massive potential in CUB when it comes to price increases and it is far more liquid compared to LEO.

I already feel like I have acquired a decent enough stake in LEO. I want to get the best out of the high APR while it last on CUB.

The Usual Transfer Via https://wleo.io/bsc


Harvesting The Farm


Swapping bLEO to CUB

Swap For CUB.png

Fees and The Route I Had To Take

Route  Fees.png

64% Increase In My Den Size

Percentages matter! That is part of the reason why I invest in small marketcap coins. They can go up in large percentages. That is also a part of the reason why I didn't go into Kingdoms despite waiting for them for so long. It is all because I believe in CUB more than any other thing currently listed on https://cubdefi.com


I Can Elaborate If You Are Interested

I'm not simply putting my crypto in the Den because that is what I am used to. I assume that there are many others who are doing exactly what I am doing for the exact reasons. There might even be articles written about that. I might be able to further write about this on a future date. Now I think it is time for me to take a break.

Happy Investing!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I have drop a bit into cake, but plan on investing the Cub I earn there into the Dens :D

Not having enough money to invest can limit their earning potential.

You probably (hopefully) did not experienced this, but not having enough money to buy food can limit their living potential. I say this as a disabled (I have multiple disabilities), former homeless person (I was homeless a few times), who lives on an income less than the local minimum wage.

Nowadays I am sometimes also on the edge of homelessnes. Sometimes I have to decide between paying bills/rent and buying food.

I'm living with my parents. So I do have a roof over my head and 3 meals a day. I honestly hope you will find better things in life. Normally I would love to see bear markets because it allows me more time to slowly acquire more cryptocurrency. But for the sake of people like you I would now like to see at least few of the cryptocurrencies moon so you can take care of your basic needs. !PIZZA

Best of Luck!

My parents died long ago. My father in 1997, and my mother in 2017. Nowadays I rarely have three meals per day. The government should give a pension-like income at least the minimum wage to ensure that people with multiple disabilities are able to take care of their basic needs. It is sad and unfortunate that the government do not care about the disabled and pensioner people.

Thank you for the pizza. I also give you some !PIZZA.



$PIZZA@vimukthi! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @xplosive.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)

The problem is helping few people who have serious problems in life is not going to bring many votes. Billions get wasted and more billions get spread around people who don't even need that. Here is a small example I came across: https://cis.org/North/SNAP-Still-Gives-Preference-Illegals-over-Citizens

Wish you the best!



$PIZZA@xplosive! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vimukthi.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (6/10)



$PIZZA@xplosive! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vimukthi.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (5/10)

I am glad you increased you investment in Cub. I think it has good long term potential.
Happy Investing.
Adding the #posh tag here and hope the OCD curators reward you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Doesn't OCD have their own tag ? I thought posh was for Hive promotion .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you! CUB ROI has been holding up well and it is only slowly falling down. I initially thought I had missed the boat when I barely had anything to invest in. Now I'm getting more comfortable with my CUB holdings.



$PIZZA@shortsegments! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vimukthi.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)

It is really hard to not invest in CUB right now but most of my money is going into LEO right now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Whatever you miss from not investing in CUB might get balanced by LEO curation and Project_______ airdrop. !PIZZA



$PIZZA@amr008! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vimukthi.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (2/10)