in LeoFinance8 months ago

Have been asked if Craig Wright is Satoshi many times over the years. ... no he, Craig Wright, is not Satoshi ...

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Craig Wright claimed to be Satoshi in as much ways as he possibly could. You've probably heard of both of this characters at one point or another. Like of course Satoshi. Craig Wright makes a lot of noise and claims. Who claims to be Satoshi, Craig Wright, that's who.

One of his lawyers claims along the way is that Satoshi didn't come forward. So they reasoned since Satoshi didn't come forward Craig Wright is (was) Satoshi (Namamoto).

Years ago I was working with someone who got in a talk with Craig Wright on social media. This person didn't know anything about Craig Wright before that. What a way to get to know the man who calls himself Satoshi. Quite the character.

From his website to be written on blockchain as well through this post...:

On 20 May 2024, Dr Craig Steven Wright was found by the High Court of England and Wales to have been dishonest in his claims to have been the person behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto (the creator of Bitcoin).

The Court found that Dr Wright “lied to the Court extensively and repeatedly” in his evidence and that he attempted to create a false narrative by forging documents “on a grand scale” and presenting them in evidence. Overall, “all his lies and forged documents were in support of his biggest lie: his claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto.” In advancing his false claim to be Satoshi through multiple legal actions, Dr Wright committed “a most serious abuse” of the process of the courts of the UK, Norway and the USA. The High Court formally declared as follows:

First, that Dr Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin White Paper.

Second, Dr Wright is not the owner of the copyright in the Bitcoin White Paper.

Third, Dr Wright is not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in the period between 2008 and 2011.

Fourth, Dr Wright is not the person who created the Bitcoin system.

Fifth, Dr Wright is not the author of the initial versions of the Bitcoin Software.

The full judgment, and its appendix detailing various forged documents created by Dr Wright, is accessible at the following URL:

Dr Wright has been ordered not to commence any legal proceedings based on his false claims (by claim or counterclaim) or procure any other person to do so. He has also been ordered not to threaten any such proceedings (explicitly or implicitly) or procure any other person to do so.

He was pushing the idea that he was "Satoshi" so far that he was carrying lawsuits against bitcoin developers and other parties on such claims. To be the point of also forging many false "Satoshi" documents.

Another example of the power of Bitcoin and "Satoshi". Both which have been protected in this case. Bitcoin, whitepaper, software created by Satoshi and others over time to what it is today. Perhaps with the idea that it owns itself. While also being owned by everyone.

In part as long as it it is not under a 51% attack or majority miner(s) pool which it has been at times. There was a time when those that had over 50% agreed to step down, or scale back below 50%.

Also a maximum of 21 million coins except for a brief time very early on when bitcoin got hacked and someone had more than 21 million bitcoin. This was quickly caught and fixed. With a fork nonetheless. So even the original bitcoin as we know it is a fork of itself.

Now we know for certainty and beyond reasonable doubt that Craig Wright is not Satoshi.

Who is / was Satoshi Nakamoto?

The world may never know but Satoshi Nakamoto...

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