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RE: The Canada Trucker GoFundMe Incident and How Crypto is the Solution

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Fortunately it does ! Crazy to see all these tolerant and progressive governments being the MOST authoritarian while picturing their adversaries as the worst dictators.

This will resonate as it is in a West democracy.

Trudeau is done.

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Trudeau is not tolerant and progressive. He tries to show he is but absolutely not.

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If the last 23 months-- from March 2020 through today-- have shown us anything, it's that terms such as "tolerance" and "progressive" are devoid of meaning. These words don't mean a thing these days. Besides people being fed up with things and taking control of their lives back, we should also take back those 2 words and restore them to their traditional meanings.

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Trudeau is done.

Don't be so sure about that. I want to say he is done, but there are a couple of factors which give me reason to no go along with it:

  • Just as in USA, the Canadian schools promote socialism over free enterprise, and Canada is more accepting of socialism than USA;
  • Despite his socialist tendencies, he was re-elected.

As a New Yorker having survived 2 terms under comunist mayor Bill DeBlasio, I make this comment as a cautionary tale. I understand being elected the first time; but even knowing how epically bad he was during that term, he was still re-elected by a majority of the voters of New York City. It could be similar for Canada. I hope I'm wrong here.

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