Well some have done it but did not seem to have such traction (EOS for example).
But I guess in the long run they should think of decentralization because if not, ETH will just have to move to its 2.0 in order to have lower fees to be a "better" solution
I have not been following EOS closely. They have seriously dropped the ball on many things including DeFi: https://www.coindesk.com/effect-network-abandons-eos-binance-smart-chain EOS never had a killer DAPP that is dependent on EOS. We have https://dlux.io by @disregardfiat and https://tribaldex.com None of them have strong tokenized incentives like that of Uniswap.
We do have this proposal which aim to do on HIVE what Binnace did with Ethereum:https://peakd.com/me/proposals/164