⚡️Bitcoin Lightning aims to be decentralized, but structurally lightning disincentivizes running your own node in addition to complex and risky setup process.
#VSCNetwork will have everything necessary from the start to send Bitcoin without fees in a completely decentralized way.
Running your own wrapping provider will be straight forward with minimal setup. You just need to keep your node online and reliable.
I'm so excited for what's at the end of the tunnel. It's good to see you guys on threads…
Does it require to be up 100% of the time, or one that is working 90% can be useful enough?
I ask because there is places where 100% is near impossible. I have a decent internet and a backup battery and still get down time every day.
Is it worth trying or better just leave it to the ones that have the possibilities
It needs to be online once every 72hrs. Temporarily going down every few hours is acceptable. Nodes will get a reputation penalty for long withdrawal times and consistent outages. If a node fails to withdrawal after 72hrs then collateral with be slashed.
That being said, short outages won't be a problem.