
I’m a huge fan of arts and photography. I love when I see new pictures, I love painting it gives me a soothing joy inside as I love every bit of it.

Oh that’s what i called passion also, it’s like me that love to sing. Art is a beautiful one and i wish to see you at the Top soon.

I think music is art. We haven’t really made people understand the whole concept of art. I think art is so broad and consist of several genres.

Hmm that sound true, Music is indeed an art.

Yeah, I think the concept of making music, drama, sculpture, drawing and also painting. So I think art is extensively broad same as photography.

You just enlighten me on this, I’ve always thought they’re far from each others, i mean music, drama etc.

No they aren’t they are all intertwined in the world of art. All are creativity I think even content writing tags along as well.