
it make me sick and heavy burdened, so whats the essence.. Life is too short

I can relate with the heavy burden lol. Yeah, life is too short to keep hold on grudges.

same here I don't like holding gurges there are many things reasonable things I can put in my mind than a gurge

I don’t want anything that will steal my joy at all

Like.... enjoy the world my dear

Be free and happy and have a clean heart that forgives no matter what

Except you're ready to be buying BP drugs all the time lol

Its worst for a content creator. The space and time you should use to create is used to store negativity

Haha, that’s so true.

Nothing consumes space like negativity

We should do away with that.

Thats for sure

The best move.

Why would someone hold grudge on another haa... in this era that we all need to stay close in unity to work against the devil and the chaos he has brought upon us

why should you just hold grudges at the first place, it's so annoying to me

Some people thrive on it, i guess!

I don't hold grudges too. I'm made to believe that everything happens for a reason. So no time for grudges of any kind.

That thing called grudge is super heavy o, when it’s on your mind. I dislike something that would steal my joy because i like being that happy kid lol