
That's a pretty big One..

LOL, this is not even the biggest.

That's what she said.

is it whiskey or mustards oil inside this bottle lol XD

it’s premium Whiskey as labeled. LOL

As a Roadman, guiding is allowed. Just don't drink and drive.


Not Me on wheels haha

That's better. You can drink and thread instead lol

Obviously I’m doing that haha
Threading away 😄

That's the spirit.
I won't mind some whiskey while threading too. I bet they flow better together.

I won’t tell you how it feels haha

I want you to try it as well. 😁

Hmm... that's fair. I love surprises.

Havent tried that one yet! Is it good?

Oh really?

Yeah, it’s very good IMO!!

Cool! I will see if I can find it where I live. I'm a big fan of whisky

I could see that haha.
Hopefully you will.