Want To Get Noticed On Leo? Comment!

in LeoFinance4 years ago


If you are new here welcome to the site. We are a friendly community here that support people who share their content in the topics of finance and crytpocurrency. It may seem a little daunting at first but it is is an easy to sue site where all you have to do is blog and you can make a decent amount of rewards for your work. But like any blogging or social site you will need to build a following in order to help people see your work. This can be achieved with quality content but the easiest way to stand out is to comment on others' posts and get involved.

Quality Doesn't Guarantee Views

Like every site there is only so much space on the top of the trending page. You can write a masterpiece but if it doesn't have great SEO or get in front of people it might not do as well as it deserves. I do recommend working hard on your content if you wish to do well here but you will need to spend time commenting on others work as well to really grow your account.

Put Work In Your Comments

Do not leave one word comments like nice so it will leave a link to your blog. People will not like this and it can actually turn them off to your blog. You do not need to write a novel each time but do read the article and leave a relative comment that adds to the conversation. People do appreciate it.


Don't Be An Ass

This applies to comments that you are leaving as well as comments you are replying too. Just be nice. No one likes a bully and if you piss people off it won't bode well for your posts as you might get a lot of shit in your comment section. I'm not saying kiss any one's ass but this isn't a place for trolls to do well and they find that their earnings are low.

Commenting is the best way to grow an account from scratch that doesn't cost a penny. If you can buy Leo and power up your account it can help your votes but for those without the money to make their account stronger there is still a way to succeed and do very well here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well I've written a lot of quality post in the past on Leo and it never reflected, one way or the other new authors has to familiarise with the community, bring value in terms of engagement and if possible invest to get visibility. You've said it all. Contenting well is great but putting out time for commenting and appreciating comments on your post is even better.

Engaging with others is the best thing HIVE/LEO offers. When you're blogging elsewhere (WordPress for example) it's a completely different experience. Being here, with like-minded people is super awesome and excites me every day. Getting thoughtful feedback on my posts makes me improve myself. It's the best way to feel alive!

And sometimes, be an ass if you have to. Just for the adrenaline rush.

Just kidding. Be peaceful and productive!

Or better - don't listen to what I'm telling you and think for yourself!

Until the next time!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Commenting is powerfull. I noticed this long ago :)

You're four years old on the chain, including the old one as well. Old and salted... if I remember properly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You can write a masterpiece but if it doesn't have great SEO or get in front of people it might not do as well as it deserves.

Damn right. I've had just a few of those on the chain during my two and half years around here and know exactly what you're pointing at.

Unfortunately, since you mentioned ass kissing, there is still plenty of those practicing it and there's nothing one can do about that, but there's almost less bullying, here taking into consideration the whole chain, and as far as I am getting familiar with LEO it seems that such thing doesn't even exist in here.

I've also noticed that most of the content in here is right on spot, quite easy to read and well rewarded I'd say. Totally agree with you that commenting will, to some extent, help someone get noticed and his/her content read and rewarded.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice one on the advice, I have only started posting on Leo in the last two weeks so still getting familiar with the community but will try to get more involved on the comments sections!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Making content about Splinterlands is technically making content about cryptocurrency, so I think it should fit on Leo.

Even though we say that Splinterlands goes under the Gaming tag, It's still A HUGE part of our Hive community itself :D

Also make sure your commenting with the leofinance front end I feel like leo peeps Are more inclined to vote knowing you using the main website which I am not right now because we’ll dapplr is fantastic on mobile

Dapplr is amazing. I am not sure but i think they have 5% beneficiary reward on comments too. I use dapplr for quick notifications and responses.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think you can turn off the %5 in the settings not sure if it includes comments, but I honestly don;t mind, the experience is worth shipping them a few pennies now and then can't wait for the full release


LeoFinance is first and foremost a social community. You have to give to receive and getting involved in discussions via comments is a great way to add value to the community.

All it takes is a little time and effort :)

It is all about meaningful engagement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

great pointers that one should definitely considering to grow his/her account. I recently started posting on leofinance and my topics are my real time examples so loving every moment of it. At times I get noticed and at times not but its OK. Also have been building my LEO portfolio at the same time. Cheers and Best Regards.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Commenting and engagement is a very necessary and useful factor in growing one's account. It helps you to gain attention to your blog. Ever since I came to see the power in engaging in other people's post, I've always taken commenting seriously.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you want to build a community and make connections, spend some time commenting in a meaningful way. But otherwise...... Nice!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I loved this post, since I am starting to publish more regularly in this community, since the topic of cryptocurrencies and blockchain excites me, I hope to be able to contribute both my content and my comments in this community. Greetings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wait, i want to say more 😂🤠. I have been active on Leofinance for quite some time now. It is true what you have written here. Making a reputation for yourself is what you can do by engaging. Comments are great as you are engaging with the writer and the fellow readers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well said!

Yes, engagement is definitely one of the most important aspects of building a following and making a name for yourself! At its roots, this is after all a "social" content site... I fear sometimes people lose sight of that and just focus on how to get a few pennies in their pockets.

Besides, engagement adds intangible value to the community: When someone checking out LeoFinance for the first time notices how actively engaged the community is, they are far more likely to create and account and participate... and that's good for all of us!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Engagement is key for any type of social media, but I must admit that I have been far from consistent writing comments for a long time on Hive in general, but LEO, especially with the new reward curve looks very promising. Should be a superb change to bring back manual curation and with that, engagement will increase. At least that's what I think, and hope for.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Have always been a fan of interacting and working the way up via commenting. Besides, one can easily see the result with few days of consistent interacting with other users(may that be in LEO/HIVE/in any other platform). Commenting is indeed one if the most efficient way, which have helped me a lot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed but what if I comment with my curation account ! How are you going to vote me back hehe :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That makes different of hive platform. Good contents will not give better rewards if we are not known by many members. In blogging, ori and good quality and seo post brings more traffic
Those not work in hive and leo. Interactive posts and known posters bring value to the post reward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta