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RE: Leofinance Leading The Way: The Secret Of Success

in LeoFinance4 years ago

With high if there’s a critical mass that we still haven’t reached, or rather, we lost during the whole bidbot fiasco, the bear market, and then ned and Justin drama. Getting that critical mass back is way harder than getting it the first time.

Leo is doing a great job, and it’s natural it should lead the way because finance is something all of us can easily engage with...this is crypto.

I just hope the Leo community can make an effort reach out to other communities about how to generate excitement and not compete against them. We all need to team up and look outward towards better ways to onboard. Ranting and raving about hive or tweeting into the black hole of algorithms doesn’t seem to be working. @nonameslefttouse has some great ideas!

There is no reason to worry about low post count at Leo now. Like I said, we need to look outward. Khal’s(or rather Leo’s) goal of 100k is daunting but inspiring. I personal hope our tiny @crossculture community can onboard 1k users at the very least. I’m toying with ways to incentivize good promotion right now


LOL! Bidbots. "Hi there! Would you like to purchase some visibility? Yes? Okay just hand me your money so I don't have to be here actually looking at what you want people to see. Simply hand us 90-99% of the reward pool, and you can keep the rest! Plus you get to be on the trending page with the likes of famous people like CHBartist who's there ten times per day! Then a plaigiarist might come and bump you down but you got to be the 'winner' for a few minutes with your lame ass picture of a duck you found on pixabay! Congratulations you are now a professional famous content creator with the push of a button!"

That sounds about right ;-) it's funny, but it hurt us more than the bear market did. The fact that we conquered bidbots AND a crypto super villain is why I started to invest in Hive. I cannot believe we are still standing and the fact that we are makes me really believe in this community

I see a lot of potential but I always have, especially in genuine content production and consumption. I'm deeply concerned about the direction now though. Some of the same folks who previously played a role in squandering potential haven't warmed up to the idea this content stuff and the consumption side can actually be quite lucrative. When Hive started I immediately stumbled into talks of shifting the focus to something more in line with protecting piss profits for a select few, kicking everyone else into communities to either sink or swim on their own, with an already shrinking userbase/market. Still standing, sure. But where?

we need to look outward

Absolutely... One little remark to the LEO community: Stop posting about LEO, and stop voting these posts into the top LEO posts... The outside world is not triggered by communities having an internal focus. Sorry for my relatively recent post about LEO. I leave it to that one only for the considerable time ahead of us.

lol me too.

me: stop posting about Hive
also me: posts about hive

LOL 🤣🤣🤣

Its catch22: not posting about HIVE means no rewards, posting about HIVE means potentially some rewards hahaha ok ok am a bit sarcastic... a bit more than just a bit.... but it's still funny since I'm still in LOL 🤣🤣🤣 mode :)

Well I think posting about hive or leo is fine, we just need to show people things other than the trending page. I always link friends to Natural Medicine, Cross Culture Community, DIY etc.

Well I think posting about hive or leo is fine

Sure, some posting maybe, but I rather would like to see a special corner for HIVE/LEO posts. Different page maybe. Or use a Trello board or something, since posting about out own community should help building to roadmap. I never ever saw a succesful roadmap being build through posts. Though I have made successful roadmaps myself through Trello boards :)

This is true to a degree but then there are a lot of people who are curious about Leo and what it offers. Also, if we do not talk about it, how are people to know what else is offered here.

Do you think a newcomer will instantly know that there is the possibility to make enough to pay some bills, especially if in a poorer nation? How about the idea of staking to increase voting power?

While I see where you are coming from, we have a wonderful promotional tool in that we can write about ourselves since we are social media.

One of the things that drove me nuts is that people often wrote about hive (steem) just bashing it. I guess they didnt realize that others were reading what they wrote.

When people relate their experiences about Leo, it cant help but to excite others. Sure we need a lot of varied content, which is why it is important to get more people who have different views/backgrounds/experience.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do you think a newcomer will instantly know that there is the possibility to make enough to pay some bills, especially if in a poorer nation? How about the idea of staking to increase voting power?

Perfect for detailed FQS or Wiki. Much better than weeding through all sort of post, also knowing users may not be correct in what they write.

One of the things that drove me nuts is that people often wrote about hive (steem) just bashing it. I guess they didnt realize that others were reading what they wrote.

Thats indeed the worse part of talking about the community. But also, when a newby sees all sort of post with power ups, and how much one can earn, and all of that, will convert many to want and even worse, to expect the same and they will be disapointed and leave again, or become bad actors.

it is important to get more people who have different views/backgrounds/experience.

100% agree! 💯

Perfect for detailed FQS or Wiki.

Few people read them...when was the last time you read a Wiki or FAQ?

If we do not do our own promotion, who is going to.

Much better than weeding through all sort of post, also knowing users may not be correct in what they write.

That is where feeds come in. We all know those who are going post about different things and those who are not. However, we do need a search function that allows for better location of topics.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

search function

Thats a must. Ecency had one available as an independent service, but they dont seem to have it anymore. Thats why I use often their laptop/desktop app, because of the search function... and the way they do notifications and the quickness of getting to the comment and able to respond to many replies.

If we do not do our own promotion, who is going to.

Sure, but promotion in other channels. not in our own community. We are bought in already :) Am not saying nothing about HIVE/LEO can be posted, but we shall keep it to very low quantities. I prefer those who really have to say something sensible, can post from time to time :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Am not saying nothing about HIVE/LEO can be posted, but we shall keep it to very low quantities. I prefer those who really have to say something sensible, can post from time to time :)

So you are saying it should be controlled and we should censor what is posted on here?

Who decides who is exceeding the appropriate quantities?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hmmm, why are such statements I make about Culture often turned into harsh words as censoring and who decides what goes or not?

Think of this: Any community, however small or large it is, physicial or digital, has a certain set of values. I would even say, a community needs a certain set of values.

Here at LEO (and HIVE) we have some of those values set in stone by having it programmed into the blockchain. Other values that are difficult to program into the blockchain (or maybe even impossible to program at this stage) have been articulated in the whitepaper (like no spam, no copy/paste, etc) and at least part of the community support those values by supporting teams (and individuals) who took on the task to moderate content accordingly.

I very much believe in establishing a set of values within a community. These values define our community. It'll be a guideline, not only for us, but for the newcomers as well. Certainly, no single individual has to follow these guideliness, but I predict that when we create such common community values and articulate them clearly, many will follow them, since I believe many people like to be part of something that is kinda defined. This will drive the growth of a community, and I believe it'll also drive 'good' behaviour, whatever this 'good' behaviour is.

To the topic: "How to define such set of values?" It would be great if this can be done in some democratic manner. We can think of many ways how to establish this, but community voting shall be part of it. We don't have all the tools available the get this implemented today (or we need to missused the HIVE DOA for his, or use dPoll in one or the other way); We don't even have the governance to establish values, not on HIVE not on LEO. But I think we shall start thinking about this more seriously.

I like to re-iterate, in all what I'm trying to bring across, nothing is mandatory, it's all voluntary.

Coming back to the less LEO posts and more OTHER posts: This can be the result of one of our values we agree to, which could be something like: "We want to embrase the world", "We want to be all inclusive in the Financial segment" or some value like that. What you think when outsiders having a glance at LEO and see lots and lost of LEO posts will actually think? No investor likes internal focused behaviours.

I really believe that Cultures can be created, driven and altered (we see this in real life in all communities and societies we know). And I believe Cultures drive good behaviour ('Good' in relation the the Culture itself). That's in a nutshell what I try to bring across.

I also believe, the Lack of Culture, will drive abusive behaviour. And abusive behaviour will destroy a community. And when a community is destroyed, it has no value, hence the connected monetary tokens, will have no value whatsover.

I just hope the Leo community can make an effort reach out to other communities about how to generate excitement and not compete against them.

There is no competition. People have many difference interests. All of it feeds into Hive anyway.

People need to understand this is a co-operative, that we are all a part of. Will some still act like they always do? Without a doubt. However, those who understand the power of a community, can then help to ascend it to another level.

Leo is providing a model for others to follow but it is up to them to decide what they are going to do. They also have to take the action.

Getting that critical mass back is way harder than getting it the first time.

There is no need to get anyone back. The internet has 4.5 billion people using it. How many real users were there during the peak of Steem? 100K maybe and most of whom were only interesting in bilking as much of the reward pool as they could.

There are plenty of people out there who could be attracted to what is being built here. This is where communities are really important. People are attracted for the interaction about a topic that is dear to them, the rewards are a bonus.

After all there are thousands of blogs that get hundreds of comments per post while providing zero in rewards.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I'm not saying our success is dependent on bringing anyone back, but Steem was pretty well known and people got a taste of it and because of various issues we had, didn't like it. It will take some work to create a new image and rebuild that momentum, but we did manage to fix a lot of those old issues and community as a foundation along with monetization are a match made in heaven :-D