People can spend as much time as they want fighting over the word censorship, defining, coming up with neat solutions on why others shouldn't care, but the fact is.. People do care when they are downvoted, and if targeted by large accounts - it makes them leave.
Most people on twitter and facebook are not removed or deleted they get lost in the algorithm.
Name it whatever you like, but when you use tools to suppress content from view- to the end user the result is the same unless they are just trying to document something.
In the case of actual scammers this is an important tool, but too often there are other motives involved.
The stakeholders have the right to use their stake how they want and I am certainly understand that downvoting is a necessity, it's a huge turn off for end users and even those who stay. It's a fun stealer and creates a dull culture.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta